Oh No.....

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**Maggie's POV**

"Race ya to the arcade!" Matt yells over to Jake and they head off sprinting.

"Hey Mags how about some lunch?" Shawn asks while side hugging me.

"I can't I have business to do." I tell him sadly.

"Snack?" He asks trying to cheer me up.

"I'll check my schedule." I say and wink at him.

We go our separate ways and I meet up with Kristen and Olivia.

"So what's the big news that we have to figure out?" I ask as I enter the room.

"The criminal. We might have a lead on who it is." Olivia says gathering papers.

"Really? Cause I also have suspects." I say getting out a sheet of paper.

"Let's put them tougher and think." Olivia says.

"Great idea." Kristen says.

We put our papers tougher and discuss why we think this person is it.

"Why Aaron he's so nice?!" I question Olivia.

"That's the point. There nice at first but then they turn on you." Olivia explains.

"But remember when he took that "survey" none of his answers matched that he would be the one." Kristen explains.

"True but still you have your suspects and I have mine." Olivia says.

We back off of that and just keep looking through the papers.

"Ok my question is Bart. Why do you guys suspect him?" I ask "he's the one who called us here in the first place."

"Exactly. He could be faking about the murder and really it's him who wants to get rid of the Magcon group." Kristen explains.

"Why would he do that?" I ask again in the middle of agreeing with her theory.

"I haven't figured that out yet." Kristen says.

"Does he want to ruin the lives of thousands of girl?" Olivia asks.

"Hopefully not." Kristen says.

"Anyways I think it's Isabella." I say.

"What?!" They both question me.

"My reasons are 1. She didn't show up to the first Magcon. Why? No one knows. 2. She hates my guts for a random reason. And 3. She's taking over Nash!" I say loudly.

"She's not taking over Nash." Olivia says arguing back.

"Um yeah. Nash hasn't talked to Cam in forty-eight hours and he's always agreeing with Isabella." Kristen says.

"Ohhh." Olivia says.

"Ok and our last suspect is...Mahogany?!" I say confused, "why?!"

"Remember when we found that fake gun and that sound system playing the sound effects. Well it was Mahogany's equipment." Olivia explains.

"But someone could of just stole it and used it." I say defending her.

"Yeah framing does happen a lot in investigations." Kristen agrees.

"But Mahogany is the only one who works the sound system." Olivia says.

"And the workers that set up Magcon!" I say enthusiastically.

"Alright we have our final suspects." Kristen says.

"Isabella." I say.

"Bart." Olivia says.

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