Chapter 2 Trouble? Already?

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A few weeks later...

On the Nemesis

Vehicon: Lord Megatron, we detected an Autobot signal that is companing by a living organism.

Megatron: Hmmmm. Call Knockout.

Vehicon: Yes sir.

*Knockout Enters*

Knockout: Yes my lord.

Megatron: I want you to retrieve something for me.

Knockout: And what would you want me to retrieve if i may ask?

Megatron: *looks towards the screen* The Autobot and his human pet.

Knockout: Uh Lord Megatron surely there is someone else to do th-

Megatron: Are you defying my orders?

Knockout: N-no my lord.

Megatron: Than go! 

Knockout: As you wish.

Megatron: Do not fail me.

Knockout: Oh don't worry...I won't *grins* *leaves*

Somewhere in Jasper:

*driving through Jasper*

Rose: (I hope Optimus doesn't find out that were out in patrol...again) *sigh* 

Smokescreen: Something wrong Rose?

Rose: Oh nothing,  just bored. So far  there's no sign of any Decepticon activities.

Smokescreen:That's a good thing.

Rose: Yeah, No Decepticons. No action. Yaaaay.

Smokescreen: Well I can change that.

Rose: What do you mea- oh god

Smokescreen: *speeds up and does a triple donut*


Smokescreen: WOOOOHOOOO!!

Smokescreen: *slows down*

Rose: *breathes heavily*  SMOKESCREEN! WHAT THE HELL??!! *gets out of the car*

Smokescreen:  *transform* What? You said you wanted some action!

Rose: Yeah but- Primus you almost gave me a heart attack!

Smokescreen: Hehehe you love me~

Rose: I despise you.

Smokescreen: Ouch.

Rose: Dork

Smokescreen: Pipsqueak

Rose: Dick

Smoekscreen: What?

Rose: what?



Rose and Smokescreen: *chuckles*


Rose: We should probably head back.

Smokescreen: Yeah, maybe we ca-WOAH!

*Decepticons shooting at Smokescreen*

???: Leaving so soon?

Smokescreen: Knockout?! What are you doing here?

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