Chapter 11 Small Visit

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5 weeks later

Ratchet was working on the computer when suddenly he heard footsteps behind him.

"What are you doing?" Ratchet turned around as he saw Smokescreen flinched.

"Uh, I'm going out on patrol?" Smokescreen tried to sound reassuring. Ratchet wasn't falling for it. He knew where Smokescreen was really going. He secretly knew that Smokescreen would sometimes sneak out without Ratchet "noticing".

"Be back once you're done." Ratchet said as he continues his work.

Smokescreen was surprised that Ratchet allowed him to go without questioning his answer. He shrugged it off and turned into his Alt mode and left. When he arrived at the small town, it was quiet and vacant. A perfect time to come without anyone noticing an expensive race car driving through the streets of Jasper. As he was on his way, he made a sudden halt and reversed back. He saw a pile of red roses in a garden that was gathered together with other flowers.


Rose and Smokescreen were enjoying their time together at their favorite spot on a small hill where small flowers surround them.

"What are these little things that are popping out from the ground?" Smokescreen asked. Rose giggled.

"They're called flowers." Rose smiled as she picked one up from the ground and showed it to Smokescreen. "It's so....tiny," Smokescreen said. "Yeah...but they're beautiful," Rose said as she let the wind carry the flower away from Rose's hand leaving Smokescreen with awe . He saw the flower majestically flew away along with petals from the other flowers. Indeed, It was a beautiful sight.

"I didn't know you liked flowers."

"Every girl does. I just don't show my girly side." Rose chuckled. "There's a lot of different kind of flowers but there is only one that I found most intriguing."

"Oh yeah?"

"Heh, you'll laugh. The flower I like is called a rose." Rose replied.

"You're named after a flower?" Smokescreen said sounded a bit surprised.

"Yep." She chuckled to herself. Smokescreen gestured an explosion with his hands as humans called it "mind blown. Smokescreen and Rose both laughed as they continue they're time together.

End of flashback

Smokescreen smiled at the memory and continue on his way.

Rose POV:

I awoke right before the sun was barely rising. I wasn't sure why I woke up this early but didn't think of much and went back to sleep until I heard a honk outside my house.

"Uuuuuuuugh," I covered my head with my pillow to blocked the sound but yet again it honked again. I instantly got up and rushed to the window to see who the hell was honking.

"Huh, what do you know." I smiled and waved. "hello to you too asshole," I thought. I don't like when people disturb my sleep but he knows that I didn't mind as long it was him- Oh my god is he literally using the windshield wipers to wave back? I chuckled at the sight and saw Smokescreen left.

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