Chapter 5 Old Memories

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Rose POV:

It's been a couple of days since we last saw Arcee. Everyone forgot about what happened between Smokescreen and I. Except for Arcee. She is known to hold grudges from time to time.

It was 6:20 pm, Jack, Miko, and Raf already went back home. I would go home but I had no one to take me since Smokescreen was still in no condition to transform. I was also too lazy to get my butt off the couch. As I was laying down on the couch my eyelids started to get heavier and heavier until my eyes were fully shut.



I was wide awake and saw Optimus hovering over the couch.

"Why aren't you at home?"

"Oh, you see, I thought Smokescreen was taking me home until RATCHET" I yelled out his name looking straight at Ratchet. "Told me at the last minute that Smokescreen won't be able to transform for a week!"

"Not my fault," Ratchet said as he continues typing on the computer.

"Hmm. I would take you home but I must attend to my station to locate for more Cybertronian artifacts. But if you like, you may stay here for the night."

I smiled "Thanks Optimus"

Optimus nods and left to his station.

I laid down on the couch rubbing my eyes and took out my phone to text my parents that I would be staying at my "friends" house. After I texted my parents that I would be staying, I put my phone away and looked up at the ceiling. Slooooooowly falling asleep.

"Hey Rose, ready to go home? "

(God Damnit...)

"Smokescreen! What did I say? you're still in no condition to transform into your vehicle mode!" Ratchet yelled at Smokescreen while working on the computer.

"But Ratchet-"

"Ep Ep Ep, I don't want to hear it."

"But who's gonna take Rose home?"

"It's ok Smokescreen, I was planning to sleep here for tonight anyway."

"But don't you want to go home? "

"Yeah, but I have no one to take me.."

"Well, why can't Ratchet take you?"

"Nope, Busy." Ratchet blurted out.

(Well then.)

"Don't worry Smokescreen, Optimus is letting me stay here for tonight. For now gets some rest"

"If you say so, goodnight Rose."

"Goodnight Smokescreen."

By the time it was 12:39 am everybody went to their berthrooms to recharge except for Ratchet. Optimus insisted that Ratchet should get some sleep. He would refuse, but for once Ratchet was actually tired. Everyone seems to be going through a lot ever since Smokescreen joined team Prime. Smokescreen got injured, Ratchet is on his computer non-stop, Optimus is searching for Cybertronian Tech, and Arcee is nowhere to be found. The War is killing them physically and mentally. My mind was full of it and I was getting sick and tired of the Decepticons destroying everything. God, I'm tired. I laid back on the couch and closed my eyes until I was finally asleep.

Arcee POV:

When I got back to base everybody, was in recharge. My right corner optic spotted a figure on the couch sleeping. It was Rose. Why is she still here? Doesn't matter. I headed towards the elevator to go on top of the base. As the gate closed, it made a loud noise. Scrap.

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