Chapter 14 (Finale)

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How, many times have Smokescreen seen Rose? Many times. Of course, this time their meeting would differ. Rose was on a hill, waiting for Smokescreen to return. This was their special place. Where the sun would set, and the flowers would whisk away by the strong wind, petals flying to the heavens. As Rose waited patiently, a spacebridge opened behind but she already knew who was coming through. No one knew or ever heard of their special place beside her and Smokescreen. It's a sanctuary to escape reality. But mostly to escape from Ratchet wrenches. Smokescreen, however thinks differently. Smokescreen settled down right next to her, making the ground shake beneath Rose. In front of them is a land of life and tranquility that extend beyond the horizon. An endless vast of land that have never been touch by man. It was indeed a sight. Smokescreen glanced at Rose and saw her fiddling with one of the flowers that were planted to the ground. Her delicate feature seem to arouse Smokescreen and made himself blush. How come he never seen her like this? Beautiful and innocent. It made Smokescreen blush even more. But he was more excited for what's about to happen. 

"Rose?" Smokescreen finally started while playing something in his servos. Rose stopped playing with the flowers and looked up at Smokescreen. She had to crane her neck up to look him into the eyes."I want to give you something. A gift," Smokescreen almost dropped the object he held in his hand but luckily catched it before she saw what he almost dropped. He was very nervous. Rose giggled as Smokescreen nervously chuckled and tried it again." before I give it to you I want you to close your eyes. Close them." Rose nodded and did as she was told. Smokescreen waved his finger in front of Rose's face to make sure they were completely shut. 

"Now take out both your hands," Rose turn her hands to her palms and reached out like she was asking for money. "Once I place your gift on your hands, I'll let you know when to open them. Okay?" Rose nodded. Smokescreen gently place her gift onto her hands. To Rose, it wasn't heavy, but light and it seemed the gift was in a box. 

"Okay, open your eyes." Rose opened her eyes and on her hands was an open box that have a silver bracelet with a blue crystal hanging from it. Rose gasped and slowly took it out. 

"Oh Smokescreen it's beautiful. How did you manage to place this in a tiny box?" Rose playfully asked. 

"Heh I had help from Jack." Smokescreen blushed. 

"Thank you." Rose observed the blue crystal. It's funny, she thought it looks exactly like Optimus- then it hit her. What she was holding was something that belong to someone that she trust. Someone that she called friend. Someone that she loved. Rose looked up at Smokescreen. "Smokescreen, is this?," The answer was obvious as Smokescreen smiled and nodded. 

"Oh my god. I don't know what to say. Smokescreen I..." Rose hesitated at what she was about to say next. Smokescreen noticed her hesitation and wondered if it was a good a idea to give her a piece of him. Did she changed her mind? He thought.

 "Smokescreen really....uh....I don't know how to start but uh*sigh* I like you Smokescreen. Like, like you like you," Rose look down as she was embarrassed to face Smokescreen. Smokescreen was confused the way she worded it out but understand what she was trying to say. Rose was caught by surprise as Smokescreen uses his digit to lift her head up. 

" you too Rose." Smokescreen smiled. Rose return the smile with her own and they both look towards the valley. Rose placed her small hand on Smokescreen big servo as they both enjoy the scenery. They don't know what the outcome may be if their relationship were to be revealed but they don't seem to mind. They will wait until the time is right. Of course, as they are currently in a middle of a war, they may attract unwanted guests that could cause harm to their relationship. But together they felt nothing can stand in their way. 

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