Chapter 7 Overdose

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In the middle of the night, Everybody was asleep. Ratchet was quietly working on the computer locating any energon mines and decoding any Decepticon activity in his computer.

"Ratchet, I-I'm burning up." Smokescreen enters with his servo on his head.

"How many times I have told you Cybertronians can't-" CLANK

Ratchet turned around and saw Smokescreen, face first, on the ground not showing any sudden movements. "Smokescreen?!" Ratchet ran to Smokescreen and knelt down to get a closer look. Ratchet turned Smokescreen to the other side and put his servo on his helm. He was burning up. Ratchet wasn't sure what to do. Back at Cybertron he only dealt with minor injuries and open wounds. But a mere fever? Never. Nevertheless, Ratchet is a medic and it is his job to aid his teammate. 

While Ratchet was busy bickering with thoughts, he felt a watery substance on his servo and notice he was bleeding energon. Smokescreen wound was open. Ratchet quickly grabbed Smokescreen hands and dragged him to the medical berth. Ratchet struggle to put Smokescreen on the berth. When Smokescreen was roughly placed on the berth, Ratchet unwrapped Smokescreen's coverings and checked his wound. It was infected. He would need antibiotics and more coverings for the bleeding to slow down. He needs to do this quietly and quickly as possible. Ratchet added the antibiotics and then put some type of liquid on his wound to get rid of the infection. Smokescreen was at ease and looked relaxed but was still in no state to move. He was still burning up. At this point, Ratchet didn't know what to do. But it hit him. Synthetic Energon. It may give him energy that would keep him awake the whole night but it may get rid of the fever. The substance is known to improve performances to the unstable. 

Ratchet injected a little bit of Synthetic Energon to Smokescreen. The result came out with Smokescreen gasping for air. And then he knocked out. Ratchet just stood there. What just happened? Smokescreen should be running around crazy or something. Ratchet touch his helm and his temperature was going down. Smokescreen was breathing properly and seemed to be relaxed. Ratchet knew he will be ok by tomorrow so he went back to the computer and continue working.

The next day, everybody including the children, Were wondering why Smokescreen was sleeping on the Medical Berth. Rose was sitting on Smokescreen shoulder to keep a close eye on him.  

"Ratchet could you explain why Smokescreen is sleeping on the medical berth?" Arcee asked.

"In the middle of the night Smokescreen woke up and told me he was burning up and then he knocked out. I checked him and it turns out he had an infection in his wound and it ended up giving him a fever."

"A fever? But I thought you guys don't get sick?" Miko said.

"Could It be the infection that causes him to burn up?" Raf said.

"I wasn't quite sure."

Rose wasn't sure how the wound got infected in the first place. It would take two days or so for it to get infected. 

"When did this started?"

Ratchet looked at Rose. Rose noticed Ratchet looked tense when she asked him that question.


"Two days ago." 

"Did Smokescreen told you about this?" Optimus asked knowing where this was going.

Ratchet was hesitant at first but said "Yes"

"If you knew, why didn't you do anything about it?" 

"I-I....Uh" Before Ratchet could say anything Smokescreen started waking up. Barely.

"Uuuuuughh..." Smokescreen was groaning and tried to open his eyes. 

"Smokescreen!" Rose blurted out his name happily. Rose went near his eyes to get a closer look at him.

" that you?....why you look so....shiny?" Rose was confused and didn't know why he was acting like this. "Ratchet what's wrong with him?"

"It could be the Synthetic Energon I gave him."

"WHAT?!" everyone shouted except for Optimus. "It was the only solution to get rid of the fever. None of the medication I gave him didn't work!" Ratchet told them.

"Bulkhead put me where Rose is."

Bulkhead picked up Miko and put her right next to Rose. "How many fingers am I holding?" Miko showed Smokescreen six of her fingers.

"" Ratchet tensed up knowing the meaning of the word although his knowledge for the Human anatomy is not formidable, he's aware of how it works when humans make sexual contact. Some of the Autobots were also aware of the meaning but didn't show any reaction. Including Optimus. Bumblebee was confused. The humans however were shocked.

"Did he just say-" 

"WOAH! Okay did not expect that to happen." Jack said covering Raf's mouth.

"Meh, close enough." Bulkhead put Miko and Rose down right next to Jack and Raf. 

Ratchet scanned Smokescreen. "Well, his health is now up to 90%. That's good."

Rose was furious. Smokescreen could've gotten really ill and Ratchet didn't do anything about it. For god sake, he's a medic! 

"Ratchet, You should always aid our fallen comrade no matter how the outcome may turn out," Optimus said. 

"*sigh* I might've made a mistake assuming my own foolish perspective and I...apologize," Ratchet muttered the last part.

"Wow, this is the first time I ever see Ratchet apologize," Miko whispers to Rose's ear.

Smokescreen tries to stand up but failed miserably. Luckily Bumblebee was able to catch him. He had problem walking. He looked drunk and didn't have the capability to keep himself balanced. 

"Bumblebee, would you take him to his room please." Optimus Ordered. As Bumblebee took Smokescreen to his berthroom, Optimus continue to locate more artifacts while the rest went out to patrol. Rose looked at Ratchet and shook her head and walked away to join with her friends. In response Ratchet just grunt, but in all honesty, he feels bad for not helping Smokescreen. Perhaps his dislike for Smokescreen gives him the thought to not care for him at all, not even his health. Now he was left with his thoughts of guilt and regret.

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