Chapter 8 New Discovery

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Team Prime left base to continue to search for the relics. Previously, they discover they are not ordinary relics. They are keys. Known to have the ability to revive Cybertron (According to Optimus research). Ratchet was thrill to find out about the info that was announced by his friend. Once the bridge opened, Optimus and his comrades set off to search for the keys. Smokescreen was left behind with Rose, Jack, and Ratchet. Raf was at home writing his essay to get a scholarship. He said he will come later but Miko won't. She was grounded for playing her music too loud and insulted her neighbors.

"So you're saying these keys can revive Cybertron?!" Rose asked curiously.

"YEAH! Isn't that great!" Smokescreen shouted.

"But what about the Decepticons? Won't they found out?"

"Fortunately the Decepticons are far to busy looking for ancient weapons that could destroy a thousand planets." Rose would ignore Ratchet but replied with an "I guess". She is still mad about Ratchet not aiding Smokescreen from a fever or whatever Smokescreen had. Ratchet got the message that she was still no mood to talk to him. She wouldn't even look at him. Why would Ratchet care? It's a complete waste of time to even bother to talk to a...human girl. Obviously, she is still mad at him.

The computer caught something on the radar. It was another relic.

"What is it?" Jack said.

"I'm not sure but whatever it is, it's very powerful, unlike anything I see! Why kind of weapon would be doing here on Earth?"

"You should get it!"

"Are you insane? How would I be able to teleport Optimus back if there's no one-"

"I'll get it"

"Smokescreen for prime sake you're still in no condition to-"

"Ratchet let me do this. If something happens I'll come right back. Just let me get it."

"*sigh* Very well" Ratchet open the groundbridge.

"Rose come with me." Smokescreen whispered.

"W-what? No, I can't go with you. You'll get us both in trouble."

"Come on its just one relic. Don't you want to see what it is?"

Rose hesitated "O-okay but if something happens." "Don't worry I'll protect." Smokescreen transformed into his alt as Rose was about to enter Jack grabbed Rose's hand. "Rose? What are you doing? You can't what if-" Rose held Jack's hand tightly. Jack blushes at this gestured. "Jack, I'll come right back. If they ask blame it on us." Jack was hesitant at first. Smokescreen is a cool guy-er...robot but he can sometimes go over his limits to impress Rose. Jack then let go of Rose's hand and sighed. "Be careful." Rose smiled and went inside the car.

"Okay, Ratchet I'm heading out" Smokescreen said innocently.

"Good luck" Ratchet didn't see Rose entered the car because he was to busy on his computer.

Then they left. On the other side, it was full of trees and wildlife. Rose got out of the car to let Smokescreen transformed. They were observing their surroundings so far nothing except for animals crossing their paths.

"So which way?" Rose asked. Suddenly a big loud boom came out of nowhere.

"That way." Smokescreen held Rose in his hand and followed the noise.

They ended up at the edge of a small cliff. In front of them were Decepticon troops using explosions to get some sword out of the rock.

"Is that the Relic that we're looking for?"

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