Chapter 4 Mistake

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Autobot's Base

"You took her out on patrol without our recognition?!" Arcee yelled at Smokescreen.

"A-Arcee I-"

"You got yourselves captured by the Decepticons! Almost revealed our location! And not only that you put Rose's life on the line! What If Ratchet couldn't find you?! What happened if Rose got hurt?!"

They've been going at it ever since they got back. Smokescreen just woke up from stasis and he is still not in perfect condition to do or say anything at the moment. I would say something but I wasn't really sure what to say. Arcee is... Complicated to talk to sometimes. Ratchet didn't want to intrude because he didn't want to get involved. (Lousy bot)

As I was leaning against the rail watching my guardian getting yelled at, Optimus came into view and asked me if I was ok. I told him I was fine but Optimus wasn't sure if I was saying that just to make him less worry than he already is. Yes, he was worried. None of the bots couldn't tell how he felt except me. Unfortunately, not only he was worried, he was disappointed.

"Arcee, That's enough." He said calmly. Optimus did not like this at all. "Optimus with all due respect but Smokescreen is still not capable of protecting Rose. He can't even take care of himself! What if she gets into more danger?!" As Arcee continuously yelled at Smokescreen, Optimus looked at me.

Stare. His warm, bright blue eyes looking straight at mines', processing whether he made a good choice or not to replace Smokescreen as my new guardian. Wondering if I was better off with him than Smokescreen. Optimus was thinking he made a mistake. "Arcee" I finally spoke up with enough courage. The yelling stopped when I called out for Arcee. Optimus blinked his optics and looked at me.

"I know Smokescreen acts like a sparkling sometimes...even during serious events." I looked at Smokescreen. Did he look...betrayed? "But what you're saying about him is all wrong." Smokescreen expression changed to a somewhat surprised expression.

"What?" "Look, I know he's just a rookie, I know he doesn't look like much, but he put his effort to protect me and all of you. I don't understand what put you in this state but you need to give him a chance! At least let him show you, all of you that he is worthy to be part of this team!" Ratchet stopped typing on the computer. The room was quiet. Where did that energy come from? Adrenaline went through my body making me think the things I said to Arcee.

Arcee looked at me and grunt and left. "Smokescreen, Your action was unacceptable. However, You protected Rose from harm. For that, I am grateful" "Optimus I would do anything to protect Rose even if I have to sacrifice my own spark." Optimus looked at his injuries "It seems you have" and left to his berthroom.

Smokescreen looks down and sighed. I went downstairs and went to check up on him. All I can think now is how Smokescreen must be feeling. Bumblebee and Bulkhead left to pick up Miko, Jack, and Raf. Arcee wasn't able to pick up Jack since she went on "patrol". Ratchet, of course, didn't really care what was going on. Now that leaves me and Smokescreen.

I looked at him with a concern expression on my face. "Rose" Smokescreen spoke up first. "Thanks for backing me up back there, but you really didn't have to do that."

"Smokescreen, All I said was true. You've done your best to protect me and I don't know anyone who would've done a better job at it...well, except Optimus."

Smokescreen smiled and put his servo on the ground. I went on his servo and he brought me toward his faceplate. His smile was so adorable. I'm glad I was able to cheer him up a little bit. I gave him a hug on his faceplate to show him how much I care for him, how much he means to me. He couldn't do the same but I could feel he was hugging back by nuzzling my face. I was enjoying this moment until...

"ROSE!!" Of course. I looked down and saw Miko with a huge smile on her face. Smokescreen put me down and I was caught off guard by a big hug "OOF!" and landed on my back. Hard.



"Miko! Let her breathe!" Jack yelled.

"Oops ehehe sorry."

"Haha, it's nice to see you too Miko."

"Rose!" Raf called out my name running to my side while I was still sitting on the ground.

"We heard what happened!"

*sigh* "Don't you guys have school today?"

"On a Saturday? Nah. Lucky for you, you have us for the whole day!"

"Greeaat" Ratchet turned around and continue on his work. The gang was aware of what happened to me and Smokescreen but I rather not talk about it. Was I terrified? Yes. But at some point, you have to act brave to protect the ones you love. Like Optimus, he protected me from the Decepticons. The leader of the Decepticons in fact. He knew about my existence but never seen me in person. Optimus fear that day will come and he said I have to be prepared for that outcome.

I'm not sure what happened to Arcee or the conversation we had. But I hope I didn't say anything wrong that might've of upset her. Why did she had to run away like that? Maybe she had a lot in mind. Perhaps flashbacks? I don't know. I just hope nothing changes between us.

Miko and I were on the couch watching Jack and Raf play video games. Smokescreen started small talks with Bulkhead and Bumblebee and surprisingly it seems to be working. Bulkhead was like whatever and such but Bumblebee on the other hand was enjoying Smokescreens company.

I was happy for Smokescreen. I was happy that he was happy. I know Smokescreen will become a better warrior. Maybe he will become a Prime someday! But I doubt it.

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