Chapter 1 Meet Smokescreen

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At the Autobot's Base:

Optimus: Smokescreen, it brought my attention that you are still getting use to Earth customs.

Smokescreen: Yeah, I'm still getting use to my new surroundings.

Smokescreen: *noticed Rose on Optimus' shoulder* Woah! Who's the fleshling?

Smokescreen: *noticed Rose on Optimus' shoulder* Woah! Who's the fleshling?

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Rose: (I hate when they call me that)

Optimus: This is Rose, your human charge

Rose: what...

Smokescreen: My own human charge?! This is an honor Optimus!

Smokescreen: My own human charge?! This is an honor Optimus!

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Rose: Um...Optimus are you sure?

Optimus: As much as I enjoyed your company, I have made a decision to put Smokescreen as your new guardian.Due to my absences and with the decepticons fully active, I fear I won't be able to protect you.

Rose: I... Understand

Smokescreen: Hey Rose! Now that I'm your new guardian you want to go for a drive? You know get to know each other.

Rose: I would like that but uh promise me you won't get yourself in trouble.

Smokescreen: No promises.

Optimus: *Raise an eyebrow*

Smokescreen: KIDDING! kidding...ehehee

Outside of Base:

Smokescreen: Soooo you're Optimus charge.

Rose: Was.

Smokescreen: Oh....right.

*awkward silence*

Smokescreen: Wow have you seen bossbot? I could of sworn he would've laugh. Optimus sure can keep his emotions in check. Nothing can get through that bot.

Rose: True. You guys may think he's hard as stone but you're wrong. If you were with him 24/7, you would know how he would be feeling.

Smokescreen: Oh yeah?

Rose: Yeah, Optimus and I been through a lot together, When we first met we never knew each other that well. But once we got to know each other we started getting close. Learning about each other, how we feel. I was always by his side...or head? hehe you know what I mean.

Smokescreen: Well I hope that can be us some day.

Rose: Hehehe you're so sweet.

Smokescreen: Sweet is my middle name.

Rose: Do Cybortronians even have middle names?

Smokescreen: Nope!

Rose: Hahahaha

Smokescreen: Hahahaha

Smokescreen: Now that we got to know each other, what do you want to do now?

Rose: I don't know, go back to base?

Smokescreen: Oooooooor...

Rose: Or?

Smokescreen: We could go on a quick patrol.

Rose: I don't know...what will Optimus think.

Smokescreen: It will be quick!

Rose: Well.......ok.

Smokescreen: Alright! Hang on tight! *drives really fast*

Rose: WOAH!


Smokescreen: Don't you just love the wind hitting your faceplate?!

Rose: Haha! I sure do!

Rose: ...Welcome to team prime, Smokescreen.....

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