Chapter 3 Quick Rescue

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Smokescreen: *bleeding energon*

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Smokescreen: *bleeding energon*


Smokescreen: *breathes heavily* R-Rose

Knockout: Where's the Autobot's base?

Smokescreen: I-I'm not telling...y-you anything.

Knockout: Hmmm fine. If you won't tell me. I'll ask your pet~

Smokescreen: D-don't *tries to get up* UGH *falls down*

Knockout: Now, don't make the situation more difficult. Where is the Autobots Base?

Rose: You're dumb to even think I would give away their location to the likes of you. I may be fragile but I will willingly sacrifice myself to protect the Autobots!

Knockout: How touching. You're making me very impatient. Where is the Autobot's base?

Rose: *looks away*

Knockout: Grrrr WHERE IS THE AUTUBOT'S BASE??!! *brings Rose's chin up roughly*

*Groundbridge opens*

Ratchet: Right here *punches Knockout*

Knockout: GAH!

Rose: Ratchet! How did yo-

Ratchet: Did he do anything to you?

Rose: No, help Smokescreen!

Ratchet: *helps Smokescreen up* I'll be back for you! *went through the groundbridge*


Rose: What the hell! He literally just left me here!

Knockout: Poor fleshling, It is ashamed that you are still in my grasp.

Rose: Touch me and I will slap you.

Knockout: oh really? PAH! Like you have the capability to hurt me.

Ratchet: Nope but I do.

Knockout: Scrap *slapped*

Ratchet: *breaks chains*

Rose: (holy shit..... RATCHET BITCH SLAPPED HIM)

At the Autobots base

*Smokescreen in stasis*

Rose: Is he gonna be ok?

Ratchet: Soon, for now let him rest.

Rose: Where are the others?

Ratchet: Searching for cybertronian relics. Deep underground. I would contact them for help but something was blocking the signal. Be grateful that you're still alive.


Rose: um...Ratchet.

Ratchet: *looks at Rose* What

Rose: Thank you....

Ratchet: ...You're welcome...

Rose: *looks at Smokescreen*.... Smokescreen.... ( Why does it feel cold?) (Looks down at unbutton shirt) *GASP*

Rose: Ratchet why didn't you tell me my bra was showing?! *blushes*

Ratchet: ?...

Rose: (Uuuuuggh how embarrassing).

Ratchet: Are you going to button your shirt up or are you gonna keep whining.

Rose: uh...*button shirt up* *blushes* ...s-sorry...

Ratchet: *sigh*

At the Nemesis:

Megatron: *Roughly grabs Knockout's neck*

Megatron: You let them escape?!

Knockout: I-Agh-I...ugh..

Megatron: Useless. *drops Knockout*

Knockout: *cough* *cough*

Megatron: Soundwave! Check for anything that might've enter the computer system.

Soundwave: *nods* *starts typing*

Megatron: Knockout...

Knockout: Y-yes

Megatron: You have failed me...

Knockout: My liege spare me. I won't make the same mistake.

Megatron: I know you won't. To make up your failure you will be assisting Soundwave for the time being until I assign you a mission that seems fit.

Knockout: But lord Megatron-

Megatron: Enough! You've brought shame to yourself and to the Decepticon cause. Do as I say or face my wrath.

Knockout: Yes...lord Megatron. *bows* *leaves*

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