Chapter 9 For his sake...

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It has been settled. Smokescreen got the lecture he needed. He was still healing up. His wound got reopened and now Ratchet how to deal with him again. The team was discussing what should they do with Rose.

"What were you thinking?!" Arcee shouted at Smokescreen. Smokescreen knew what he did was dangerous and could risk Rose's life. He did what he could to protect her and prevent Megatron from getting the Star Saber. But it wasn't enough.

"Ratchet how could this happen! Jack! Why didn't you do anything to prevent this? Did you not see her?!

"I..." Jack was hesitant to reply to Arcee until Rose came into the conversation. "It wasn't his fault! I-it was.....I..." Rose stuttered afraid to see Arcee reaction. She told herself not to go in the car but she was curious. Instead, she pulled a Miko. With Miko is normal. But with Rose was different.

"I......pulled a Miko...a-and I convinced Jack that I would be fine....I-I'm sorry," Rose said in a low voice, crossing her arms and head down in embarrassment. Arcee crossed her arms and looked at Jack. Jack just looked away. "Rose- AGH!" Smokescreen covered his patched wound. Rose ran upstairs and leaned over the rail where Smokescreen was laying right next to it. Rose silently stared at Smokescreen. From her perspective, she sees an Autobot injured because he couldn't protect his charge from danger. He had too much in mind to keep her well-protected. Rose had a few scratches but it wasn't worst then Smokescreens'.

"I believe it is time to make a decision. For you and Rose's sake." Optimus told Smokescreen.

"You have potential Smokescreen, however, you have yet to come further to become a soldier. Once you are healed, you will be supervised by our comrades until I see fit that I can rely on you and you alone. We are here to protect those who can't protect themselves, They're our responsibility. For that, you must be watched carefully."

Smokescreen was silent. He understands now. He was never fit to become a soldier. He was never fit to take such responsibility. He was never fit to become an Autobot.

"Optimus, what if I can change that." Rose spoke up "What do you mean??" Arcee barged in. Bulkhead and Bumblebee were confused about what she meant. "What are you implying Rose?" Optimus asked raising his eyebrow.

"Smokescreen won't be needing a charge anymore." Now, this brought Ratchet attention. Is she leaving? "Your kidding right?" Arcee put her hands on her hips. "...It's just temporary. If he doesn't have a charge he will be able to be more focus on his mission. If he's ready to take his own responsibility, I'll come back. " Optimus wasn't sure why she was doing this for Smokescreen. He was concern about her decision aware of the danger lurking in Jasper. Such as Soundwave tracking her down. Or street racing. Knockout's territory. Smokescreen didn't know what to say.

"It is not that easy Rose" Optimus told her. "Many things can happen when you are unsupervised. You could easily be tracked or followed." "You can send anyone to my house to check up on me. You can even notify me by honking your horns. My parents won't care and besides the Decepticons have no idea where I live."

"No! I won't allow it!" Smokescreen tried to stand up but groan and laid back down. "I'm not doing this for only your sake but for ours. I don't want to see you hurt again." Rose said sadly. Optimus was worried for her safety. He was worried for the both of them.

"Optimus" Arcee called. Optimus was removed from his own thoughts and looked at Arcee. "What's your call?" Optimus was still making up his mind to whether to allow this temporary confliction. He respects their choices. Like when Jack didn't want to be part of an alien war but in the end, he came right back. But this was something he couldn't allow. He would make Rose his charge again but he also had responsibility of his own. Is this really for the best?"For their sake..." He thought. "If that's what you want...You may." Everyone couldn't believe it. Smokescreen couldn't believe it either "You can't! What if Soundwave found your location. Or even worst Knockout!" Smokescreen said as he got up (still on his berth) and scoop you up. Rose smiled and put her hands on his faceplate "Smokescreen, I care about you, I treat you and all of you like a family would. I don't care if something happens to me. If I get hurt I get hurt. But I want you to know I did it because I don't want to see you hurt. We protect each other. They'll check up on me and make sure I'll be okay. Right, Optimus?" Optimus looked at her in a stern face but with worried in his eyes. "If that's what you desire." Rose smiled. "Then it's settled. If it's fine I would like to leave now." " Bumblebee take-" "I'll take her," Arcee interrupted. "Very well."

Jack started walking towards to Arcee."Yeah, it's getting late I might as well-" "You're driving with Bumblebee this time. Only for today." Arcee ordered giving him a cocky smile. "Hm?" Bumblebee whirred. "Okay," Jack said turning back from Arcee. Smokescreen couldn't believe she was leaving. He knows it's temporary but he can never leave her side. They became so close they were inseparable. Before Rose left, she came close to Smokescreen faceplate and said "Bye Smokescreen" and gave him a kiss on his cheeks. Smokescreen was still and blue blushes started to grow on his cheeks. Rose went downstairs and hopped on Arcee Alt mode. "Make me proud!" She shouted with a smile and left. Smokescreen was a statue. "" Smokescreen muttered. He blinks a few times and placed his servo on his cheeks in awe and smiled.

With Arcee and Rose. Arcee was asking her why she was doing this. Rose smiled and replied, "I'm doing this for his sake." If Arcee wasn't in her Alt mode she would be nodding her head. "I'm doing this because.....I love him..." She thought the last part and smiled.

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