Chapter 12 Not You

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Rose POV:
Summer vacation is over and school started again. My friends and I weren't pleased but at least we had the same classes together. I also had some of my other friends in my classes which that's good too.

Anyway, I was thinking about Smokescreen...again.Wondering if he  improved. Miko told me a lot about how Smokescreen misses me and hope to see me again. She also told me his wounds were healed and Optimus allowed him to start going on missions! I was so proud of him. Our day at school went great. Besides getting homework already. I was a senior and so was my friends. I wasn't surprise when Raf was in my class. Raf is a smart kid. He shouldn't be here dealing with drama or working on unnecessary assignments. He should be in college already.

When I'm done with High school, I don't know what I want to do. Come to think of it, Will the war between Autobots and Decepticons be over once I'm done with High School? Will there ever be a planet to still live on? Will I-

Why am I thinking all of this nonsense? That will never happen. I shook my head in disagreement. In sixth period, Miko, Jack and I are watching a World War 2 documentary in black and white.

Strange. It reminds me so much about the story Optimus told me about before he became a Prime. Before Cybertron was....Disintegrated. Megatron wanted equality and freedom. But his methods were cruel. He brought pain and a endless war. Killed many innocents who disagreed with him. All because he wasn't fit to become a prime. heh the irony. Good thing Prime doesn't know our History.

Boom! A loud noise came from the documentary and got me out of my own thoughts.

"Rose," Miko whispered who was sitting right next to me. 

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Don't you think it's time to come back to base?"

"Hm..." I replied.

"Come on, I haven't seen you for a while."

"But you have."

"Yeah but not at base. You're not fooling anyone. I know your dying to see Smokescreen."

I sighed. It's true, I really missed him...

"Unless you don't want to see your knight in shining armor~" Miko joked.

I wasn't sure how to replied to that.

"Oh come on you guys are inseparably!" Miko said.

"Miko." I said in a stern voice.

"I mean he's always asking for you. He even admitted that he can't stop thinking about you." That got my attention. 


My cheeks were red. Was he really? Woah, I couldn't stop smiling my heart couldn't-

I suddenly felt someone on my right cheek. I looked at my right side and saw Miko was leaning over her desk and was giving me a cocky grin. I blushed in embarrassment.

"Shut up." I said as I playfully push her back. We both chuckled.

After School

No One's POV: 

"Come on! You should come to base with us!" Miko tries to convince Rose.

"Shh, Miko not too loud." Rose looked around if anyone was listening. Luckily it was just the two of us. Jack and Raf already left. Rose was trying to walk home but was stopped by Miko.

"Not today, maybe tomorrow."

"Awww why not today?"

"What if Smokescreen is on patrol."

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