Chapter 13 Revealed

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"Remarkable" Knockout said fascinated with the little trinket that is hanging on his sharp digit.

"Shit....." Rose muttered.

Knockout still held Rose in his servos, but not too tight. He wasn't sure how she got her hands on one but was eager to know. However, his curiosity will interfere the mission and with the lord himself waiting, known to be impatient with the lack of timing, he would have to face him himself. He didn't want that.

Knockout lets go of Rose and stood up, still facing Rose.

"Come now, let's not keep Lord Megatron waiting." He ordered with a somewhat playful tone, facing a frown Rose.

The Vehicons followed Knockouts command and transformed into their alt modes.

"See you soon...sweetspark," He smirked.

As he bid his farewell, Rose watched Knockout transformed and drove towards the sunset with the Vehicons following behind him.

Rose wasn't sure what happened but was relieved that he left. She's a little shaken up but was okay, Scared, but okay. A groundbridge opened behind Rose and saw Smokescreen, Optimus, and the others come out. Bumblebee and Arcee helped Bulkhead up as Miko rushed towards to Rose.

"Are you okay" Miko asked puting her hand on Rose's shoulder.

"I-I'm fine" Rose replied a little shaken.

"What happened?" Smokescreen is determine to know what happened when they lost connection. He feared the worst and wants to know immediately.

"I'm fine thanks for asking." Rose frowned. She wasn't sure where that came from. Smokescreen backed off and blinked a few times. Rose realized her mistake.

"*sigh* sorry... " Rose apologized for her rudeness.

"We'll discuss more back at base. " Optimus said.

Autobots Base

The others were discussing about the events that took place and was asking Rose a lot of questions. It was honestly irritating Rose for a short time but manage to get it over with. The only part she left out was the necklace incident. Luckily, while that was happening, Miko was occupied with Bulkhead.

Everyone went back to their regular routines after that. As Rose was about to lay down on the couch with the other humans, Smokescreen gently picked up Rose and took her to one of the hallways. Surprisingly, she didn't react which Smokescreen was relieved since he didn't want to attract the others attention. Especially the children.

Once they were alone, Smokescreen turned his hand where he held Rose onto his palm for her to sit. She positioned herself with her leg crossed. She was looking down the whole time cause he knew she was hiding something.

"You didn't tell the whole story." Smokescreen asked. She didn't flinched or react to his suspicion.

"Do they have to know?" She said still looking down.

"Rose." Smokescreen said in a gentle serious tone. No reaction. The silence lasted a minute until finally, Rose slowly pulled out the necklace out of her shirt and held it in her hands. She wasn't sure if she should tell him but that means he will feel like he's not trustworthy.

"This necklace...this crystal" She spoke. "Is a piece of someone's spark."

Smokescreen was confused.

"It's someone's spark. Not creepy at all." He thought.

"Is this what's bothering you? The others wouldn't care you had someone's piece of spark hanging around your neck." He said. Okay that sounded more creepy. Smokescreen thought.

"You don't understand! Knockout knows and...." Rose hesitated that last part. " ...HE knows..."

Smokescreen knew who she was referring to but he was still lost.

"I don't understand, what are you trying to tell me?" He said.

Rose breathe inhaled and exhales to prepare for what she's about to tell to Smokescreen.

"This piece of Spark I have around my neck belongs to....... " Rose looked into
Smokescreens eyes. ".... Optimus... "

Smokescreen couldn't believe it. Around her neck was a piece of Optimus's spark. She left that part out because she didn't want Optimus to know. She didn't want anyone to know. Due to previous incidents with the decepticons, someone on their side would blurt it out or foolishly mention it without them knowing their presence. If HE knew, that's a different story. He understands now.

"But I don't understand?"

Never mind.

"Why don't you take it off?" Smokescreen asked.

Rose started blushing, embarrassed about what shes about to tell him.

"Uh I should huh?" She started off nervously chuckling. "Look.... This necklace helped me through...rough times." She sighed.

"I know this sounds cliche but its true. Optimus and I have a strong connection. Even though he doesn't show it I can feel his energy in here." She said as she place the crystal near her heart. "Whenever I'm scared or worried I can always count on this necklace. The best part of having this is that when it glows, it feels warm. I don't know why it does that but I assume thats the way of Optimus saying I'm always here for you." She smiled at the last part.

Smokescreen didn't know they were that close. He thought Optimus was just her guardian but I guess he was more than that. He's someone that she could rely on like a...... Father figure.

"Well,...." Smokescreen spoked. "...maybe one day I could give you a piece of my spark.... " He nervously said blushing while rubbing his non-existent nose with his other hand.

Rose blushes at the response and smiled.

"I-I mean if you want to!" Smokescreen blurted it out. Rose giggled and smiled at Smokescreen.

"Anyway, as your guardian I recommend you hide your necklace. You can still wear it but don't show it to much" Smokescreen playfully ordered. Rose shook her head but her worries came back after she forgot about the conversation they had.

"So you're not gonna tell them?" Rose said as she put back the necklace back into her shirt.

"No, I'm not gonna tell them. Not even Optimus." Smokescreen smiled. Rose was relieved that he wasn't gonna tell. But part of her wanted them to know. I guess when the times come they would find out soon or later. As Smokescreen started walking through the hallway, with Rose still sitting on his palm, Rose was smiling the whole time while she held the crystal near her heart. Her cheeks turn red to the thought of having a piece of him with her. She giggled at the thought which Smokescreen noticed her weirdness and smiled as his cheeks turns blue.

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