Chapter 6 Warm Feelings

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Smokescreen POV:

Doc told me I won't be able to transform for a while. Man, this sucks. There's nothing really to do here except getting my daily check-ups by Ratchet.  Looks like Rose has to walk home today.

Narrator POV:

School is almost over and finals are coming up for Rose and the gang. Rose started heading out to the entrance of her school and saw Miko and Jack with their rides. Miko turned around and saw Rose and waved goodbye at her. Raf wasn't with the others so Rose assumed he already left to base. Rose won't be able to go to base since she has no one to take her. Miko and Jack insisted on giving her a ride but Rose politely said no and left home.

Rose POV:

As much as I want to go to base, I have to go home and finish up my assignments. I have a C in Algebra and I'm planning to keep it that way. Finals are coming up in a couple of weeks and I want to get ready for it. 

"Two more weeks, Two more weeks until summer vacation" I muttered to myself.

As I was on my way home I heard a honk and quickly turned around. 

"Hey, Rose! Need a lift?"

Raf said as he was sticking his head outside of Bumblebees window.

"Raf? I thought you were already at base"

"Nah, I stop by the library first to get some books"


"So you want a ride to base?"

"I don't know, I have to study for finals"

"How about we study at base together! I really need someone to study with."

I would decline the offer but I want to see how Smokescreen is doing.

"Alright, as long you help me study for the finals"

I open Bee's door and sat right next to Raf. "Man It's been awhile since you gave me a ride huh Bumblebee?" 

All I got as a reply was chirped and whirred.

"Heh, I'll take that as a yes."

As I gently rubbed Bumblebee's seat, I suddenly heard purring. Raf and I looked at each other. Did.....did I do that? We both looked at the radio.

"Bee? was that you?"

No answer. 


Bumblebee didn't say anything throughout the entire ride. When we were close to base Bumblebee started communicating with us again. I guess he was too embarrassed to reply back. 

"bleeeeeep blooooooooop....

"What's he saying?"

"Um..he said he likes how you were rubbing his makes him...tingle."

"Oh really?" I grin and gently rubbed Bumblebee's seats and he started purring again. Raf and I laughed and continue our way to base.

When we got to base, Raf and I saw our friends watching TV with Bulkhead. Jack turned around and saw me with Raf.

"Rose? I thought you went home to study." 

"I was until Raf offered me to study with him at base."


"Quiet Miko."

As Raf and I went upstairs, Smokescreen walked in.

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