Scene 5: A New House

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Fritz, Abigail, and Jacqueline sit in a tree.

Fritz: (Looking sad and tired.) We can't live in that lean-to forever. Three nights of sleeping with Franz tossing and rolling... We've got to build something to live in.

Abigail: I heard a jackal last night- if the animals steal our food, or attack us, we're done for. There's hardly food left as it is.

Fritz: Well, I suppose we could go hunting.

Jacqueline: Where will we keep the meat? Then we'll surely have pests.

Abigail: We need to build some kind of house.

Jacqueline: (Sarcastically) With palm branches? Great idea!

Abigail: No, we'd need to find some wood.

Fritz: There's plenty on the ship. It's still stuck between those rocks.

Jacqueline: (Still unconvinced that the house idea will work) The animals will be able to get inside any house.

Fritz: A treehouse, then!

Jacqueline: (As if the idea is really lame.) Tree house?

Abigail: You might be on to something! Mother!

Elisabeth: (Coming from the washboard, which they brought from the ship.) What is it?

Abigail: What if we built a treehouse?

Elisabeth: Treehouse? (Thinking intently) Why, that's a fabulous idea!

Abigail: Fritz thought of it.

Elisabeth: How wonderful! We must begin at once. Laurence!

Laurence: Yes, dear?

Elisabeth: We are going to build a treehouse.

Laurence: To live in, you mean?

Elisabeth: Yes, of course.

Laurence: I think I see what you're getting at. Safe from animals, cooler at night, off the sand... yes, I think it is a fine idea.

Fritz: (More excited now that there is something to be done.) We can use wood from the ship. And ropes, tools, nails...

Franz: Can I help?

Jacqueline: I suppose...

Franz: I love hammers, and nails, and wood, and houses, and -

Abigail: And playing with Turk and Dune.

Franz: Oh, yes.

Fritz: Where are those dogs, anyway? I haven't seen them since last night after supper.

Laurence: They'll be back when they get hungry. Why don't we head to the ship? If we hurry, we've got nearly ten hours of sunlight left.

Jacqueline: May I come, Father?

Laurence: I'd rather you stay and help your mother.

Elisabeth: Yes, we've got to scout for the perfect place for our tree house. And gather some reeds to weave with. There aren't enough nails on the ship to build the whole house!

Jacqueline: (Sighing) Alright.

Abigail: Come on! Let's go!

Laurence: (Climbing onto the raft.) We'll be back by nightfall, Elisabeth.

Fritz: (Pushing off from shore) Goodbye, Mother!

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