Act 2 Scene 23: Yes, I Will

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(Aboard ship, Abigail and Emily sitting quietly)

Abigail: We are really going back to the mainland.

Emily: I don't know about that.

Abigail: (Concerned) What do you mean? Aren't we going back?

Emily: Well, I thought that was the goal, but I'm just not sure Fritz knows how to use a compass.

Abigail: (Laughs) Where is Fritz, anyway?

Emily: Well, there aren't many places he could be.

Turk: (Dashing around) Going back! Going back! Crumpets! Crumpets!

Emily: (Laughing) Turk! What's the matter?

Fritz: (Whispering from behind the sail) Psst! Abi!

Abigail: Fritz? What is it?

Fritz: Just make sure she doesn't see me until I'm about right there.

Abigail: What are you doing? (Seeing the flowers from Elisabeth's bundle) What are those for?

Fritz: Just wait.

Abigail: For what?

Fritz: You'll see, just keep her from looking this way.

Abigail: Alright.

Turk: (Sighs) How long is this trip going to take? I'm so ready for a crumpet, like right now, and I don't know if I can make it until we get there. No offense, Abi, but those ones you made a few days ago were...uh...interesting. Yeah, that's what they were. Interesting.

Emily: Turk, if you're not careful, this little boat is going to capsize!

Turk: Oh. Sorry. Guess there wouldn't be any more crumpets if we never made it back, would there?


Abigail: I've lost sight of the island already.

Emily: It's strange. To go back after a year. But I am excited all the same.

Fritz: (Coming out from behind the sail) Emily. (Gives her some flowers from the bundle.)

Emily: Fritz, what are you doing?

Fritz: (On one knee) Emily Marie Sorensen...when we get back to Switzerland...will you do me the honor...of being my wife?

Emily: Oh, Fritz, I...yes! Yes I will!

The End

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