Scene 18: Joy in the Journey

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It has been a few days since the lizard accident. Fritz is more steady, but still leans on the girls occasionally for support.

Emily: This is one big island.

Fritz: (Apologetically) Well, we aren't traveling very quickly.

Abigail: (Cheerfully) Someone should outlaw giant lizards on uninhabited islands.

Emily: Well, we're the only people here - so we get to make the laws. Let's see. (Clears throat)

As of -let's see- four days ago, we hereby outlaw all giant lizards on -um- Robinson Island. They are never allowed to pinch, jump on, scratch, bite, or eat anyone without written consent.

Fritz: And, unless authorized by the state, any pinching, jumping on, scratching, biting or eating will be punishable by a year in prison.

Abigail and Emily: Laugh.

Emily: I hope they all heard.

Fritz: Look up there! It's those big boulders!

Abigail: Yes! We landed over there!

Emily: Then - we made it! All the way around the island!

Abigail: (Sadly) So it is an island.

Emily: Yes.

Fritz: (Encouragingly) A ship will come sometime, I'm sure of it.

Abigail: We should get home. Mother will be worried.

Emily: How long have you been gone?

Fritz: Just over two weeks, I think.

Emily: Shall we go on at once?

Fritz: It's about an hour from here.

Emily: (Glancing at Fritz's leg) Then perhaps two for us.

Abigail: Perhaps we should surprise Mother and Father!

Fritz: (Looking at Emily) We're already going to surprise them.

Emily: Perhaps I should wait...

Fritz: No, no, come with us.

Emily: (Suddenly worried) What if they don't want me with you? I don't really... belong...

Fritz: Nonsense, they'll be delighted to have you.

Abigail: Should we return tonight?

Fritz: Why don't we get up early and meet them as soon as they come down the ladder?

Abigail: Yes, that's wonderful!

Emily: (Still worried that the Robinsons won't like her) Shall we set up camp here, then?

Fritz: I think the lean-to is probably still where we had it.

Abigail: Yes! There!

Emily: It looks like we'll have to fix it up a bit.

Abigail: Yes, but it's better than starting from nothing. I'll start gathering wood.

Fritz: (Sensing that Emily is still nervous) Please, don't worry, Emily.

Emily: I just...don't want to be alone again.

Fritz: Even if Mother and Father are wary, they wouldn't make you leave. (Pause) And I wouldn't let them.

Emily: (Smiling a little) Thank you.

Abigail: (Back with wood and teasing them) Haven't you done anything since I left?

Emily: (Making beds quickly) Yes, of course.

Abigail: Uh huh.

Fritz: Abi, it's been a long day. We've got a bit of time until dark.

Abigail: (Smiling) It just seems like I'm doing all the work.

Emily: Well, maybe you should try having some fun! You're it! (Gets up and starts a game of tag)

Abigail: (Laughs) I'm coming!

The girls play while Fritz, who isn't well enough to run yet, sets up camp. Fangs, who has followed them home, watches from the woods.

Fangs: I'd better go tell Dune! They're almost home!

Fangs dashes through the woods and makes it to Dune before nightfall.

Fangs: (Out of breath) Dune! They're coming home tomorrow!

Dune: Is Fritz alright?

Turk: Did he bring the lizard?

Dune: How many times do I have to tell you? The lizard was trying to eat Fritz; we are not going to eat the lizard!

Turk: (Sadly) Oh.

Fangs: Fritz is fine. He's been sick the past few days, so they were moving pretty slowly, but now they're camped in the old lean-to close to the beach.

Dune: So they'll be back tomorrow?

Fangs: Fritz said something about surprising the family early tomorrow morning.

Dune: Oh, Mrs. Robinson will be so happy!

Turk: So will Franz. He keeps talking about the things he's going to do with Fritz once he gets home.

Dune: (To Fangs) Jaqueline will want to see you.

Fangs: Yes, I'm going to find her right away.

Turk: Shouldn't we go and meet Fritz and Abi?

Dune: Yes, and Emily! Won't the family be pleased to have a new friend?

Fangs: It looked like Emily was scared that the family wouldn't like her.

Dune: Nonsense! She and Abi were already getting to be friends.

Fangs: And Fritz...

Dune: He needs a friend, too. (She smiles knowingly.)

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