Act 2 Scene 5: Suspicion

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Jacqui and Franz still flying the kite when Abigail enters.

Abigail: That's pretty high!

Franz: Oh, hello, Abi.

Jacqui: This is the best wind we've had in ages! Look at that kite fly!

Abigail: Have you seen Emily?

Franz: (Distracted by the kite) They're over there. (Points in the distance)

Abigail: They? Oh.

Fritz: (Coming back with Emily's hand in his) Hi, Abi!

Abigail: Emily, Mother says she needs you to help with the fireplace.

Emily: What's wrong with it?

Abigail: The wind's blowing the smoke out instead of up through the chimney.

Emily: Well, I can try, but I don't think there's much I can do about the wind.

Abigail: That's what I said.

Emily: (Sighs) Well, I'll do my best.

Fritz: (Sitting back down with Franz) See you soon!

(Emily and Abigail walk in silence for a few seconds.)

Abigail: So, what happened?

Emily: What do you mean?

Abigail: With you and Fritz...

Emily: Oh. Well, um...

Abigail: (Matter-of-factly) You're in love.

Emily: Well, yes. I think I am.

Abigail: (Reveling in the romance) This is amazing!

Emily: What will your parents think?

Abigail: Oh, I don't know. They'll be fine. How could anyone not like you?

Emily: Well, maybe as a friend, but... not more.

Abigail: Wait. You mean-

Emily: (High, nervous voice) Oh, I don't know!

Abigail: (Still super happy) This is so wonderful!

Elisabeth: Oh, there you are. I wondered where you girls were. I thought you were flying the kite, Emily?

Emily: Well-

Abigail: Yes.

Elisabeth: Hmm. Well, I wondered if you could help with the fireplace.

Emily: What happened?

Elisabeth: The smoke is coming forward instead of going up.

Emily: (Politely) Well, I don't think I can stop the wind.

Abigail: (Helpfully) Perhaps we could build a bit more cover for it, so the smoke would be more contained.

Emily: That could work. We'd need some more big stones though.

Abigail: I'll go get Fritz and Franz. They've been flying the kite long enough.

Elisabeth: No, I'll just call your father. Laurence!

Laurence: (Coming out from the woods) Yes, dear?

Elisabeth: Could you find a few more big stones?

Emily: We think perhaps the fireplace would filter the smoke better if it was more contained.

Laurence: Yes, of course. Let me go get Fritz, too.

Elisabeth: Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine. We don't need very many.

Laurence: (Slightly confused) Alright.

Abigail: Mother?

Elisabeth: Yes?

Abigail: Why don't you want Fritz to come?

Elisabeth: Franz isn't going to get better without lots of fresh air.

Abigail: Mother, we live on an island.

Emily: (quietly) Just let it go, Abi.

Laurence: (Staggering under the weight of quite a few large rocks) I'm...not as young as I used to be. (Laurence drops the rocks and groans.)

Elisabeth: (Amused) Oh, Laurence!

Laurence: (Panting) I'

Elisabeth: (Sighing) Go get Fritz, would you, Abigail?

Abigail: Yes, of course.

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