Act 2 Scene 10: Forgotten

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(Later the same day; the whole cast [besides the hunters] is near the treehouse, all busy with chores)

Fritz: (Returning from the hunt, carrying meat) Mother!

Laurence: That was one wild chase. I can hardly believe we caught up with that bird.

Elisabeth: This is wonderful!

Abigail: (Looking at the dead bird) That's so sad.

Emily: It is a pretty bird.

Franz: Can I go hunting next time?

Fritz: Haha, I don't know. Maybe.

Jacqueline: (From the laundry, the only one still working) Fritz!

Fritz: What is it?

Jacqueline: Could you hang the clothesline?

Fritz: Oh, sure.

Elisabeth: Laurence, you'll never guess what Franz and I found this morning!

Laurence: (Kneeling on a level with Franz) Hmm. Was it a pretty flower?

Franz: (Laughing) No.

Laurence: (In mock fear) Was it a tiger?

Franz: Nooo!

Laurence: A shark?

Franz: No, no, no!

Laurence: Then what?

Franz: Fangs's family!

Elisabeth: (Almost as excited as Franz) Three little pups! Fangs took us there and we fed the pups milk from the goat.

Franz: You have to see them, Papa!

Laurence: Yes, I'd like to.

Elisabeth: (So everyone can hear) Why don't we all go?

Jacqueline: (Trying to finish the laundry) I want to come!

Emily: Here, I'll finish it for you. I'll catch up in a few minutes.

Jacqueline: Thank-you!

Fritz: (To Emily) We'll meet you by the big boulder, then?

Emily: Yes, this shouldn't take long.

Laurence: (Putting Franz on his shoulders) Here we go!

Jacqueline: (as the family walks toward the big rock) Did you say Fangs's family?

Franz: All his little brothers and sisters!

Elisabeth: I'll race you to that tree, Abi!

(Note: The tree is past the big boulder but no one notices but Elisabeth.)

Abigail: Oh, alright.

Jacqueline: Franz, I think we're being left behind.

Franz: (Still on Laurence's shoulders) Run, Papa, run!!

Laurence: (Running with Franz and Jacqui) Coming, Fritz?

Jacqueline: Come on!

Fritz: (Sprinting past his parents and Franz) See you later!

Abigail: (With everyone at the tree panting) How far is it to the jackal pups, Mother?

Elisabeth: Into the jungle a bit and then back toward the coast.

Franz: They live in a cave!

Elisabeth: This way.

Franz: Come on! (Takes his sisters' hands and the whole family [and Fangs] exits into the jungle)

Emily: (Back at the treehouse) There! I should be able to catch up. (Runs to the big rock) Hello! Is anyone here? Abi! Fritz?

(At the jackal cave)

Abigail: (Holding Cuddly) Ohhh! They're so adorable!

Jacqueline: What are their names, Fangs?

Fangs: This is Toothy, Sharp, Prongs, and Cuddly.

Laurence: (Holding Prongs) You look just like Fangs.

Fangs: Well, he is my twin brother, what do you expect?

Fritz: Where's Emily?

Laurence: We were going to meet her at the boulder.

Fritz: But we passed the boulder...Come on, we need to go find her.

Elisabeth: I'm sure she's fine.

Fritz: We told her we'd meet her!

Abigail: And she doesn't know where we are now!

Fritz: Let's go.

Laurence: Jacqui, Franz, let's go!

(All leave the cave reluctantly except Fritz and Abigail)

Emily: (Confused, still at the boulder) Why did they leave? (Sighs) Probably they just forgot. But...Abi wouldn't forget...and Fritz wouldn't -

Abigail: (Running in) Emily!

Emily: I'm here!

Fritz: Are you alright?

Emily: Yes.

Abigail: I'm so sorry! We were racing...

Fritz: Somehow we missed the boulder.

Laurence: (Entering with everyone else) Oh, there you are, Emily!

Elisabeth: Where were you?

Emily: Weren't we meeting by the boulder?

Elisabeth: Oh- oh, yes. (Nervous laugh)

Fritz: Did you forget her-on purpose?

Elisabeth: On- on purpose? Fritz!

Fritz: Mother?

Emily: (Walking away) I'm going to go start supper.

Abigail: No, it's my turn to cook.

Fritz: Emily!

(Everyone looks awkwardly at each other and then Fritz and Abigail go after Emily.)

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