Act 2 Scene 9: Summer Morning

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(About a month later.)

Franz: (Jumping off the treehouse ladder) Good morning, Mama!

Elisabeth: (Cooking breakfast) Good morning, darling!

Franz: I woke up, and the sun streamed in through the window, and Nip jumped on me, and Turk licked me, and I was well! I'm well again, Mama!

Elisabeth: (With a happy laugh, hugging Franz) I'm so glad to hear it!

Franz: Can I help you, Mama?

Elisabeth: Of course! I need a few more sticks for the fireplace. Could you get some?

Franz: Oh, yes!

Laurence: (Enters) Hello, Franz!

Franz: Good morning, Papa! (Dashes away)

Laurence: Franz looks well.

Elisabeth: I think he is. I'm so glad to see him running around again.

Franz: (Carrying some big sticks) Here, Mama!

Laurence: (Smiling) {To Elisabeth} I think we'll just have to save some of those for later. {To Franz} My, you and Fritz are going to need to have a contest. You might be stronger than he is by now!

Franz: Really?

Elisabeth: Maybe.

Franz: I'm going to show Emily and Abi how strong I am! (Runs back up the ladder)

Laurence: Where's Fritz?

Elisabeth: I'm not sure, he must have gotten up early.

Laurence: Well, I'll go find him. He and I need to go hunting today.

Elisabeth: Oh, I forgot.

Laurence: He must have gone for a swim, it's so hot this morning.

Elisabeth: (sadly) It's almost summer again.

Laurence: Don't lose hope, Lissie. A ship will come someday. And, in the meantime, we've done almost what we wanted to do in Australia in the first year, haven't we?

Elisabeth: But there isn't anyone else here, Laurence.

Laurence: There's Emily.

Elisabeth: Yes, but...

Laurence: She and Abi are great friends. And she and Fritz - (he realizes he's said the wrong thing)

Elisabeth: You know I don't like it. We don't even know where her family is or what they're like.

Laurence: (Being a little bit bold) But, if they're happy...

Elisabeth: (Cutting him off) There they are.

Fritz: (Entering with Emily and Abigail, in conversation) Good morning! Are you ready, Father?

Laurence: Just let me get my bow.

Emily: (Looking at the breakfast) That looks wonderful, Mrs. Robinson!

Elisabeth: (Coldly) It's a new recipe.

Fritz: Well, it looks good.

Emily: Would you like help setting the table?

Elisabeth: I suppose.

Fritz: Here, I'll get the plates.

Elisabeth: Oh - Fritz, why don't you get ready for the hunt? I'm sure Abi and Emily and I can finish.

Fritz: Alright.

Abigail: Here are the forks and spoons.

Laurence: (Returning) Alright, let's go.

Elisabeth: Aren't you going to eat?

Laurence: We'd better just take some. I'm hoping to be back by noon.

Fritz: (Sitting down between Emily and Abigail) I'm sure it won't take too long, Mother.

Elisabeth: (Again annoyed) You're probably right, you should go.

Laurence: See you all later!

(Fritz and Laurence exit and everyone else begins to eat.)

Abigail: Would you pass the biscuits, Franz?

Franz: Here.

Jacqueline: This is delicious!

Emily: You ought to cook for royalty, Mrs. Robinson!

Elisabeth: (For once amused at what Emily has to say) I wish I could.

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