Scene 7: Nip, Building, and Talking

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Fritz: (Standing on a platform in the tree and hauling up another board.) Jacqui! Get the end of the rope!

Jacqueline: (On the ground) I've got it!

Laurence: Fritz! I need your help with this roof piece!

Fritz: Coming, Father! I've almost got this board up!

There are general signs of busyness. Fritz, Laurence, and Jacqueline build while Abigail and Elisabeth are weaving branches together tightly.

Laurence: Hold it steady... (He pulls some rope from a nearby branch.) Have you got it?

Fritz: Yes, I have. It just gets heavy after a while.

Abigail: (Climbing a rope ladder with a bucket of water.) Whew, it's hot today! Mama sent some water.

Laurence: (Drinking gratefully) I'm so glad we found that stream. And right by the house, too.

Elisabeth: Laurence!

Laurence: Yes, dear?

Elisabeth: Is Franz up there?

Laurence: I thought he was down there working on that glue for the roof.

Elisabeth: Abi and I haven't seen him in over an hour.

Fritz: He's probably off with Turk and Dune again. They'll keep him safe.

Turk: Arf! Arf!

Abigail: He's not with them!

Fritz: (Calling down to the ground) Franz! Franz?

Elisabeth: (Worried, not commanding.) Go look for him, please.

Fritz descends the ladder and exits calling Franz' name.

Franz: (Entering from the opposite direction) Mama! Look what I found!

Elisabeth: Franz, your brother just went to look for you.

Franz: I was over in the forest playing with Nip.

Jacqueline: Who's Nip?

Nip: Aaa! Aaa!

Franz: This is Nip! My new monkey!

Laurence: We couldn't possibly keep...

Elisabeth: Nonsense, Laurence, of course we can. (Teasingly) We live on an island in a treehouse now, haven't you noticed?

Laurence: The treehouse isn't finished.

Elisabeth: That's no reason not to have a little monkey to keep us company while we finish.

Laurence: I suppose...

Elisabeth: Franz, why don't you find Nip something to eat? And something to sleep on when the house is finished?

Franz: Okay! (Runs off with Nip.)

Abigail: A monkey? In our house, Mama?

Elisabeth: We live on an island. As long as Franz keeps the monkey clean and out of the kitchen and the bedrooms, he can stay with us.

Abigail: Well, he is kind of a cute little fellow.

Fritz: (Reentering) I don't know where he could be, Mother. He's never wandered this far before, and -

Laurence: We found him. And his monkey.

Fritz: Monkey?

Elisabeth: Nip is a very respectable monkey. And probably one that needs our help. He looks like he could use a father like Franz.

Fritz: Monkeys, treehouses, what next?

Laurence: The treehouse was your idea.

Fritz: Well... I suppose I'd better go meet this Nip. Where's Franz now?

Jacqueline: He went back that way to go find some monkey food.

Fritz: (Frustrated) I'll catch up to him.

Fritz exits after Franz. Abigail and Jacqueline go back to the roof to finish weaving.

Laurence: Last night Fritz asked me if he and Abigail could go exploring.

Elisabeth: (Looking slightly anxious) Exploring? Where?

Laurence: He said that perhaps, if he explored the island, he could see if it is really an island at all.

Elisabeth: We've been here for almost two weeks and no one has even come near us. We've been pretty far to the east of here, looking for a place to build.

Laurence: I can't believe how quickly the house has gone up. I suppose it's because we've spent all our time on it and nothing else.

Elisabeth: Then perhaps it is time to figure out where we are, and if there's anyone that can bring a ship to help us.

Laurence: You're saying I should let Fritz and Abigail go explore?

Elisabeth: Why can't you go with them?

Laurence: I can't leave the rest of you alone for a long time. I know you are capable, but I'd worry if I left.

Elisabeth: And I'd worry if Fritz and Abi left. What if they got attacked by animals?

Laurence: Now, Lissie, they'd be fine. Fritz knows how to use a gun, and we have several from the ship.

Elisabeth: I would still worry.

Laurence: I think he needs an adventure. This is just the right one for him. And Abigail will watch out for him. They'll keep each other safe.

Elisabeth: (Recovering her usual on-top-of-things mood) They'll have to take a lot of food. What if they were delayed somewhere?

Laurence: Yes, we must prepare them well - and finish the treehouse.

Elisabeth: Of course.

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