Act 2 Scene 20: Preparations

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Emily: (Holding Prongs at the jackal cave) This one's adorable! I think I'll call you...Cuddly.

Cuddly: Excuse me? I'm Cuddly. That's Prongs.

Emily: (Picking up Cuddly) And what's your name?

Cuddly: Cuddly! Didn't I just say that?

Laurence: That's a wild one! Be careful!

Emily: I will!

Fritz: So, you two are just going to sit and pet jackal pups while I slave away on the boat?

Emily: (laughing) I guess not.

Fritz: I've finished the mast.

Emily: Already? I'd better work on the sail.

Laurence: Let's go.

Prongs: Don't you want to stay?

Toothy: She hasn't petted me yet!

Sharp: Aw, come on, Toothy, Mother said we have to take our nap.

Cuddly: I don't wanna take a nap.

Sharp: (Whispering) Me neither.

Prongs: We might as well, the humans are leaving.

Toothy: Aw. Goodbye!

Emily: (Petting Toothy) See you all later!

(Fritz, Emily, and Laurence go to the boat)

Fritz: Isn't it beautiful?

Emily: Yes.

Laurence: Well, it's not quite finished, there's no way to steer. Here, Fritz (Lifting a board) help me with this one.

Emily: (Picking up her sewing) How big should the sail be?

Laurence: About as tall as I am, I think.

Fritz: (Who's a bit taller) Or maybe as tall as me?

Emily: (With a laugh) Maybe I'll just read the book.

Abigail: (Entering) Emily!

Emily: Yes?

Abigail: Have you finished the sail? Mother thinks she's got enough food now.

Emily: I'm working on it now, it should be finished by tonight.

Abigail: Oh, good! Then- we're almost ready?

Emily: I think so.

Abigail: Franz says he has something for you.

Emily: Where is he?

Abigail: He said he- oh, here he comes.

Franz: (running in) Emily! I brought you something!

Emily: What is it?

Franz: Odin! He can go with you back to Switzerland!

Emily: Oh, Franz, I couldn't take Odin! He's your frog. And there's no water for Odin on a boat, he can't live in the ocean.

Franz: But, if you don't have him, you might forget the island. You might forget to come back.

Emily: Franz, come here. (She kneels down.) I won't forget the island. I won't forget to come back. And I'll never, ever forget you.

Franz: (Hugging her) Will Abi and Fritz remember me?

Abigail: Of course we will. How could we forget you?

Fritz: We'll find a bigger ship, so you can come back too.

Franz: You promise?

Fritz: I promise. (Franz and Fritz hug)

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