Scene 14: Remembering and Understanding

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Laurence: It's all right, Lissie.

Elisabeth: (Sobbing) No, it isn't! Fritz isn't alright.

Laurence: That's true.

Elisabeth: I don't want to let go of him! I don't want him to grow up!

Laurence: (Sadly) He's got to grow up someday, Lissie.

Elisabeth: But...he's my little boy.

Laurence: He's not our little boy anymore.

Elisabeth: I know. (Pause, Laurence comforts her) I couldn't stand the look on his face. As if... I had taken a knife and stabbed it right through him when I yelled at Emily.

Laurence: (Trying to think of something to say) Lissie...

Elisabeth: But Emily just isn't...what I pictured...for Fritz.

Laurence: (Actually curious) What did you picture?

Elisabeth: I don't know. A quiet girl. Small. Smart, but soft-spoken.

Laurence: Lissie, you're not like that.

Elisabeth: (Almost laughing) No, I suppose not.

Laurence: If you were quiet and reserved, we'd never have met at the printing shop I was apprenticed at. And then you wouldn't have-

Elisabeth: (Reddening slightly) Oh, don't talk about that, Laurence!

Laurence: (Remembering quietly) Your parents never approved of me.

Elisabeth: No.

Laurence: But I loved you. (Pause) And nothing else mattered to me.

Elisabeth: I remember. I decided I would never marry if I couldn't marry you.

Laurence: (Smiling) And the world hasn't been the same since.

Elisabeth: I'm so glad it hasn't.

Laurence leans over and kisses her.

Laurence: (Slowly) There will never be anyone in the world that matters more to me than you do, Lissie. Just like no one but Emily matters to Fritz.


Laurence: I think we should let them go.

Elisabeth: (Not angry, surprised) Let them go! But, Laurence, we would-

Laurence: This isn't about us! We shouldn't be thinking about us anymore. Fritz and Emily would be so happy if they could go back. There's nothing for them here. We are happy here. We have our family, and our treehouse, and food, and water, and a beautiful island. And besides, we couldn't all go back. We couldn't build a ship large enough for all of us.

Elisabeth: No, we couldn't.

Laurence: And, Lissie, Emily wants to belong. She can't be treated as an outcast on an island with only seven people on it.

Elisabeth: I...I just don't... (Stops and there is another pause)

Laurence: What do you think we should do?

Elisabeth: (Struggling with decision) I need to go get Emily.

Laurence: Me?

Elisabeth: Well, I wouldn't want...any daughter of mine...out alone in that jungle.

Laurence: (Pleasantly surprised) Your daughter?

Elisabeth: (Smiling) If you don't hurry, she could get hurt out there.

Laurence: I'll find her. (Exits the treehouse. Both of them are smiling.)

Elisabeth: (To herself) Hmm. Emily Robinson. (Smiles.)

Note: The word "daughter" mostly means she has accepted Emily as part of the family, as one who belongs with them. This is important to convey to the audience.

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