Act 1 Scene 1: Shipwreck

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The ship rocks on violent waves. Fritz emerges onto the deck with a sailor.

Sailor: A storm's a-coming! All hands on deck!

Fritz: Is there anything we can do to help?

Sailor: Son, the best thing you can do is get below!

Fritz: But, sir-

Sailor: Move quickly!

The storm increases in intensity.

Captain: It's every man for himself!

Sailor: Look out below!

There is a splash of a lifeboat.

Another Sailor: Wait for me!!

Continued sounds of splashing, rain, waves, and wind blowing. A wail or two when the lightning strikes, and several cries of "Help!"

Abigail: (Freaking out) We're not going to make it! I'll never see Johann again!

Jacqueline: We are on the brink of disaster and the first person you think of is that boy? We weren't going to see him ever again anyway! (Leaves the room flippantly.)

Abigail: (Continues freaking out and begins to sob.)

Laurence: We'll be alright. Just be calm until the storm stops.

Franz: (Clinging to the wall as he makes his way into the room) Mama!!

Elisabeth: I'm right here, Franz. (She pulls her smallest son towards her and they sit down on a crate.)

Fritz: I don't know why all of you are so frightened. This is the most exciting thing that's happened in weeks!

Laurence: (With a warning look.) Fritz.

Fritz: (Slightly agitated but humbled.) I'm...sorry.

Elisabeth: Fritz, would you go and find your sister? We don't know how safe this ship is with this storm.

Fritz: Yes, Mother. (Exits after Jacqueline.)

Franz: Mama, is the ship going to sink?

Elisabeth: Well...

Franz: Can I have a dog?

Laurence: Wherever would you get a dog?

Franz: The captain has two!

Abigail: (Still worried and frustrated.) We can't have the captain's dogs! They don't belong to us!

Franz: But the captain's gone!

Laurence: The captain's in his cabin, of course. Where else would he be?

Franz: But, Father-

Jacqueline and Fritz reenter, Fritz half-pushing Jacqueline into the room. The two clearly have a rough relationship.

Jacqueline: Stop pushing me! Father, everyone's gone! The whole crew has disappeared.

Fritz: She's right. We are the only people on this boat.

Abigail: Now we are really going to die!

Laurence: (Putting an arm around her.) We're going to be fine, Abi.

Elisabeth: The storm's already stopped. Why don't we go up and see if there's anything we can salvage.

Jacqueline: (Up on the deck) An island!

Elisabeth: Perfect! Gentlemen, ladies, we need a boat.

Abigail: (Looking down where the lifeboats should have been.) I think the crew took the boats with them.

Fritz: Well, any ideas on how we can build a boat?

Elisabeth: Well, we can start by taking these boards and building a raft.

Abigail: Oh, I read about that once. You start by tying two boards together on each side...

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