6 - Abandoned

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It's official. I like him. No denying it to myself anymore. Obviously, I'm not telling anyone how I feel about him, especially not Peter, since he doesn't even like me.

That's what you think.

Not you again.

I'm you, so I'm always gonna be here.

What am I supposed to do about Peter?

You don't know if he actually doesn't like you.

Liz just left yesterday. How does he get over someone he's been so hung up on in one day?

Eh. Life works weirdly.

For the first time, I agree with you on that one. But, no, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me.

Why'd he kiss you back, then?

I thought about it for a moment. Maybe it was a heat of the moment thing? I mean, we were both in shock obviously, but maybe he just decided to...kiss back? Yeah that's probably it.

It was a heat of the moment thing.

Why didn't he push you away?

Get outta here.

Fine. I'll leave you be...for now.

I sigh. How can things change between Peter and I so quickly?

One month later

On the first week after the kiss, Peter and I were so awkward around each other, that Ned was always the one who started the conversations. We couldn't even look at each other without blushing. And everytime we would try to talk to each other, we'd stutter.

Luckily, though, on the second week, we were able to talk like normal people. Eventually, going completely back to normal to the way we used to be. Best friends.

Friends. That word has been bugging me ever since I realized I liked him. Actually, the word always bothered me for some reason.

Nevermind that, I know exactly why it bugged me. Being observant with Peter...or whatever you wanna call it...was all because I liked him. Since middle school. But I'll never admit that to anyone. Never.

Peter's POV

There was a foreign exchange student joining us today. And I gotta admit, she's really pretty. Like, really pretty.

"Okay, students, we have a foreign exchange student joining us today." Our teacher pointed to a blonde girl, who was standing right next to him.

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" The girl nodded, and stood in front of us.

"Hi, my name is Gwen Stacy, and I'm from Moscow, Russia. My mother works as a photographer, and she came here to Queens, because a couple who's getting married took her for the job of taking photos of them. She took me with her because she'd be staying here for a month to take the photos, and decided that I'd stay at school here for now."

"Thank you for that nice introduction, now please go take a seat right there." Our teacher pointed to an empty seat in the front row, and she made her way over there.

"I expect all of you to welcome her here, since she'll only be here for a month. Now, let's start the lesson."

"That girl is really pretty." Ned whispered, and I nodded my head in agreement. I turned my head towards her, and ended up staring right at her, not even paying attention to the teacher anymore.


Oh, geez. He likes the new girl now? Wow, this guy is crazy. One moment he's all hung up on Liz, then after she leaves, he gets hung up on some new girl. And the worse part is, I'm jealous of that girl.

Stupid feelings. Why did I ever think he'd like me? There's nothing to like about me.


Three weeks has passed since he stopped hanging out with Ned and I. Why? Cause at lunch time on Gwen's first day, he approached her, and they hit it off pretty quickly. That was the last time Peter spoke to us. He abandoned his own best friends for some new girl.

It hurt Ned a lot, of course. I mean, they've always been best friends. Always been losers together. But now, it's just Ned and I. No more Peter.

And as for me? It hurt so much. It hurt me watching him so hung up on Liz before, and when she left, I thought I could've...maybe had a chance with him? It's selfish and stupid, I know, but I can't help what I feel.

I'm not only hurt cause he likes someone else, though. I'm hurt cause he abandoned his best friends. It brings tears to my eyes when I see a picture of Peter, Ned, and I together. This is affecting me more than it probably should be, but I can't help it.

I'm in love with Peter Parker.

A/N: Things are escalating quite fast. Sorry for the time skips, I need to do this to be able to form this story on time. Once again, I am warning you all, that spoilers from Infinity War will be here, but don't worry, I'll give you guys a warning when the spoilers will come. And just cause there are spoilers, doesn't mean you can't read the chapters that are set after Infinity War, cause there will be more chapters after that and an epilogue. Hope you guys are enjoying the story, thanks for reading!

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