10 - Her dad

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That was a close call. Peter and I almost kissed again, and this time he was the one who initiated it. Or maybe he didn't? Was there a chance that he...

But no, it can't be, right? How can he like me? He could have any girl he wanted, honestly.

I was walking home, when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked Ned, and I could hear his laughter at the other end of the line.

"You know you can trust me, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. Why?" I was confused at why he asked that.

"So would you trust me enough to tell me who you like?" I felt like I choked on air. I think I literally choked on nothing but air.

"Why would you say I'd even like anyone?" Cause you're freaking in love with Peter Parker.

"Just a guess. I mean, I thought you were looking at a guy in a certain way..."

"Who was it, Ned?" I hoped he didn't say Peter, I mean, I'm not that obvious, right?

"Don't panic or anything, but I think you like our other best friend." Holy crap he knows.

"Am I that obvious?"

"Ha! So you admit that you like him! My test worked!" It took me a moment to realize what he had done.


"Language." I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me, but I thought of a good comeback at him.

"Aren't we speaking the same language?" He sighed.

"Well, uh, let me know if things progress between you and him." I thought the conversation was over, but all of a sudden, he mumbled something so quietly, that I almost didn't hear it.

"But Peter would probably ask you out already anyway." I misheard him. Tell me I misheard him. I must've misheard him. Peter asking me out? Liking me seems impossible, but asking me out? Ha. No.

"Bye, Ned." I hung up, my mind still thinking of the possibility that Peter likes me.


When I opened the door to my house, I was greeted by my mother. She was really kind, and she was the reason why I made sure to do good in school. She's gone through a lot in her life, and I wanted to make her proud of her only daughter, so that she could be happy.

I expected her to have a smile on her face. Even after all she's gone through, she's never shown any signs of pain when I'm around. But this time, she held a sad smile.

"Sweetie, someone here wants to see you. But please don't be hard on him." Him. Who would want to see me? It's obviously not any one of my friends, so who could it be?

"Shelly?" Wait...only one person called me that. It can't be...


Is this really happening? After 5 years of no contact at all, he's back? The person who abandoned my mother and I?

"I'm so sorry, Shelly." He stood up from the couch to hug me, and I didn't pull back. How could I? Even if his leave affected me badly, I never had the guts to hate him. I always dreamed of seeing him again, and it was happening right now.

"Where were you? Why did you leave us?" I started to cry, and by now, he just kept hugging me, and I just sobbed on his chest, while he cried along with me too.

"I'm sorry. Your mom and I...things just weren't working out. We soon got divorced, but the thing that really made me go was that I had applied to a job abroad. I wanted to tell you, but I was too angry at the time to tell either of you or your mother, that I left without an explanation. I wanted to contact you again, but my phone had gotten stolen, and I didn't know your number anymore. I thought you moved out, but I was lucky to still find you here. I'm sorry for leaving." I just nodded.

"Go to you room, MJ. Your dad and I have things to talk about." I pulled out of the hug with my dad, composed myself, and went inside my room.

I received a text when I checked my phone in my room.

Peter: While slinging around the city, I came across your house, and may have looked in your window (in a not so creepy way) and saw you crying. Are you okay? :(

I chuckled at him when he worried about me. It was really cute.

MJ: I'm fine. Just had a reunion with my dad, no biggie :)

He replied almost instantly.

Peter: That's nice. Hope you have fun with him. Not too much fun without me tho ;)

I laughed.

MJ: Shut up, loser

Peter: See you tom Michelle

MJ: -_-

Peter: Sorry, I meant MJ

MJ: Damn you spidey. How'd u feel if everyone knew who u were?

Peter: Don't tell anyone!

MJ: Will I?

Peter: -_- -_- -_-

MJ: Ok, I won't. Seriously. Cross my heart, hope to die

Peter: Good. Bye!

A/N: There's MJ's past. Kinda cliche and all, but it sorta explains why she was such a quiet and introverted girl in my story. But I just had to make sure to add some sort of Pichelle scene in there, so there you go! Anyway, thanks for reading!

Update: Here are screenshots of MJ and Peter's convo but in Peter's POV:

Update: Here are screenshots of MJ and Peter's convo but in Peter's POV:

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The Loser and the Weirdo (Peter Parker x Michelle Jones)Where stories live. Discover now