Sad News...

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I was supposed to write a bonus chapter and maybe even publish a book about extras on this one, and I was also going to publish a new fanfic, but bad news broke in our school and...well I hope you guys can forgive me if I haven't given you any new content on stories. But I hope you will bear with me because one of my classmates has just died. And when I heard that news from my adviser, I broke down crying. It was honestly the first time I cried in school, but I didn't even care. Everyone pretty much broke down and showed their vulnerable side. We were so happy and cheerful as a whole class together, but then he just came and...tomorrow is his wake and our whole class along with some teachers will go to the church for him. We weren't that close but he was a very nice guy who I had occasional good talks with...we miss him already. Well that's all for now I guess...I'll write more content I promise, but as of now, I think I need to just clear my mind. I can't really focus that much with that happening to us.

Rest in peace, Vince. We'll always remember the boy in our class who had an amazing voice and was always trying his best. The class misses you already.

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