13 - Memorable night

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Peter's POV

When I told May about my date with MJ, she squealed for a few minutes, before actually telling me that she'd help me with getting ready.

I wore a simple suit and tie, clean black shoes, and combed my hair.

Some people may think that I'm bringing MJ to some fancy restaurant on our first date, but I actually set up everything on my own.

I found a building at a place where people barely went to, and made a dinner table set up on the rooftop. I set up fairy lights wherever I could, since it would be dark out when I took her out. I didn't want to be too cliche or anything, but for some reason, I couldn't help but make a set up like this. I actually became soft.

I picked MJ up at her house, after having a bit of a convsrsation with her dad, and as soon as we got out, I put my hands on her waist, making her blush.

"Listen, I'm going to have to sling around the city to take you to our date, so you have to trust me that I won't drop you, and don't worry about my identity being exposed, cause no one will see us since it's already dark out." She nodded hesitantly, put her arms around my neck firmly, with her head on my chest, and I shot some web and stuck it on a random house, then we were off flying in the air.


I couldn't help but laugh while we were in the air. She kept nuzzling her head in my neck at first, feeling scared at the sight below us. A few moments later though, she looked up, and her face looked like it brightened, and a smile formed on her lips.

She was laughing as she watched us gliding through the air, looking down at the quite busy, but dark city below us. I was glad to see that she was having a good time.

As soon as we reached the rooftop, she gasped when she saw the scenery in front of us. It actually looked simple to me, even though I tried my best to impress her by this.

I tried acting all fancy at her, and held out my hand at her.

"This way, my lady." I told her in a posh British voice, and she giggled at me.

"Why, thank you, good sir." She took my hand, and I led her to our table.

We had a good meal in silence, but I decided to break it.

"Tell me something about yourself that I don't already know." She seemed to ponder over it for a moment, before finally giving me an answer.

"Not many people noticed this at school, but I used to be so kind and open to people before I turned 10 years old. That's the time things went downhill for my family. My parents got divorced, my dad left without an explanation, and I was right in the middle of it all. That's when I became shutting people out, and I became introverted. Not only that, I was also bullied, even by people that I used to call my 'friends'. Which is why I became the emotionless, sassy, and sarcastic weirdo that everyone knows now. But even after all of that...I managed to get through it all. I made friends again, including Ned and yourself. If anything, you're both what kept me going, other than my own mother. So, thanks a lot for everything." She sniffed, and she looked like she was about to cry, so I reached out for her hand on the table, and held it.

"It's okay, MJ. If I had known then, I wouldn't have abandoned you before. I'm sorry for leaving you before, but I promise that this time, I'll never leave you again." She finally let the tears fall, and I wiped it with my other hand.

"That did break me, but I didn't lose all hope. A part of me knew that you'd come back, and you did, but who knows what I could've done to myself if you didn't? I'm not saying I'm suicidal or even depressed before or now, but I was on the verge of it." This time, it was me who let the tears fall down my face, and I put my head down in shame.

"I really can't take that back, but--" My voice cracked at the start, but she cut me off.

"Stop, Peter. Stop blaming yourself for my bad thoughts. And besides, that was all in the past, so I'm over it. And my dad also came back and explained everything but...I just feel like he wasn't completely truthful with me. But I trust you, Peter. I know you're telling me the truth." I nodded and rubbed her hand to comfort her, and she sighed.

"I ruined our first date, didn't I?" She said, wiping away all her tears.

"Of course not, we just started. Now come on, and let's dance." I also wiped away all my tears, and stood up, took her hand, and led her in the middle of the rooftop. I turned on the speaker, and the song 'Rewrite the stars' started playing.

"This is my favorite song." She whispered, and I nodded.

"It's mine too." I whispered back, nd then I used one hand to hold her waist, the other to hold her hand, and she put her other hand on my shoulder. We danced along the rhythm, and at some points, I spun her around, with her dress flowing along with her.

She also ended up putting her head in my shoulder when the song was nearly done playing, and when it finished, we were both looking at each other's eyes.

And then one of the most cliche things happened.

We kissed.


We were kissing.

And this time, it didn't feel forced or rushed.

It was soft and sweet, and I put my arms around his neck, while his still rested on my waist.

The kiss had only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough for my stomach to do flips.

We were both blushing like crazy, but we both had a goofy grin on our faces when we pulled away.

Gosh, was I in love with him.

"Maybe I should get you home." He said, slight disappointment evident in his voice. I nodded sadly, and we both went flying in the air seconds later.


Once I got home, he gave me a hug.

"See you on Monday, loser." I said, then all of a sudden, a playful smirk came to his lips.

"You'll be seeing me a lot more often than you think, MJ." With a raise of my eyebrow, he gave me one last peck on the lips, and then he was gone.

Right when I opened the door, my mom looked like she was waiting for me on the couch, and she ushered me to go over to her.

"Tell me everything." And I told her everything that happened, except the Spider-Man flying with me in the air of course, but she seemed to believe everything I said.

A/N: This seems a bit too...cliche? Nah, this is Pichelle, one of the most not cliche at all couple I've ever known. And I'm not being sarcastic on that, cause to me, they're not cliche in the MCU (not saying that other ships in the MCU are cliche) And this ship is one of my faves. Hopefully Pichelle finally blooms in the Homecoming sequel. I got my fingers crossed on that, but um...yeah. Thanks for reading!

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