21 - We're good

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Peter's POV

Today was our Graduation day, and we were finally going to be seniors next year. MJ, Ned, and I were all still staying at the same school, but this day made us all very emotional.

We all stepped on the stage, one by one, accepting our awards.

MJ, being the Valedictorian, was the one who gave the Graduation speech. I grinned widely as she stepped on the stage, and started to speak.

"Gosh, have we really finished junior high? I mean, in just four years, lots of things happened and...changed. I used to be seen as this weird, introverted girl who was just messing with people and stuff, but now, here I am. I'd just like to thank my parents for supporting me in everything I've done, especially my mom. I also wanna thank Mr. Harrison for giving me a spot in the Decathlon team, cause being in the team changed my life in a big way. How? I started making friends again. For years, since I was ten, until the ninth grade, I was always such a loner. But then I met the team, and I started to try making friends again. And, I have to say, they were all good people, but only two of them managed to change my life for the better. Peter Parker and Ned Leeds, who became my best friends. And, uh, actually, maybe I'm more than friends with Peter, but back to the point!" Everyone laughed at that, and I just smirked at her.

"Anyway, I met them, and I was able to open up to them. And everything went on from there. We grew closer and closer, making lots of memories all the time. But that didn't mean that every memory was a good one." I frowned at the last sentence.

"I'm sure you all remember that months ago, there was this life-changing battle, which caused millions of unexplained deaths everywhere and...well, Peter was one of them. We all mourned for some time, but because of...our heroes, we got saved, and everyone who turned to dust, came back to life. You guys have no idea how much broken I was during those times, but I was so happy when everyone came back. Our city, which looked very gloomy, became cheerful again. Everyone finally smiled again, and we all got back the ones we love." She let a tear fall, and she chuckled to herself, before wiping it away. Some people started to tear up, including me.

"Anyway, I'm so proud of all of us. We all got this far, and I want you all to congratulate yourself. It may seem like we're putting an end to something, but we're just about to start something new. I'm glad we had another great year, and hopefully, I'll get to see you guys next year, or if not, we'd cross paths in the future. Thank you all, and congratulations everyone!" Everyone stood up to clap at her, and we all raised our hats and threw it in the air, which was something we've always wanted to try.

The principal said a few more last words, before he finally announced that the Graduation was over.

MJ and Ned both ran up to me, and hugged me. Our guardians were talking to each other, and it looked like May was laughing a bit too much with MJ's parents. Wow.


Our three families all decided that we'd all go to lunch together, and we all started talking about random things. MJ's parents mentioned something about what occupation she'll want to have, and they said something about her being an architect.

"That's great! Peter actually wants to be a civil engineer." May said, and MJ's parents nodded.

"I just can't wait for them to get married. I mean, MJ wouldn't shut up about Peter since--"

"Alright, mom. I told you to keep those to yourself for a reason." MJ cut her mother off, and her dad laughed.

"No, no, it's okay. I mean, Peter seems like a good kid, and he seems to care a lot about MJ too." MJ and I started blushing when they started mentioning us getting married.

"I think things will end up good for the two of them." Ned's mom suddenly said, making the blush on MJ and I's face get redder.

But she was right.

Things will end up good between MJ and I.

A/N: This is the last chapter of the story, but the epilouge will be published later. I really wanna thank you guys for the reads and votes, especially since I got ranked #1 for Michelle Jones. Thank you everyone for reading!

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