14 - Late at night

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When Peter said I'd see him more often than I thought, I should've known that he actually meant it, especially because he's literally Spider-Man.

And by that, I mean Peter has snuck into my window at 11 at night.

"Hey, MJ." He whispered, opening the window quietly. I shushed him and locked my door, before finally hugging him tightly.

"Easy there, I saw you just a few hours ago." He laughed, and I blushed when I realized my actions, then I pulled  away from him.

"Sorry, guess I just got excited to see you. Although I'm not actually looking at your face, because of this." I pulled off his mask after pointing at it.

"Now that's much better. Much more handsome." He blushed when I called him handsome. Awesome, I'm not the only one who blushes around here.

"Yeah, yeah. So, did you finish your homework for Chem?" He asked, and I nodded my head.

"Finished it yesterday when I got home. Although I already started on it at PE, but of course, I wasn't allowed to ditch PE for anything." I shrugged, and he sighed, pointing to a backpack behind his back, which I actually didn't notice before.

"Can I get help? I know I'm like a genius and everything, but there's this one formula that confuses me." I laughed at his cockiness, and told him to go sit on my bed and prepare his things.

Just a few minutes later, he finished his homework, and we both started messing around. At first, Peter threw a crumpled piece of paper at me, which hit my forhead, so I got revenge by hitting him with a pillow.

And that's how a crazy pillow fight started. Of course, we both had to supress our laughs, or we would've woken up my parents.

And trust me, I don't think any parent would be too happy to see their daughter with a guy next to her in the bed of her room, late at night, and the guy was wearing a superhero's costume. That's just...no.

But we continued our pillowfight like little children, only occasionally giggling quietly, but still hitting each other. At one point though, I hit Peter's head really hard, causing him to fall down in my bed, motionless.

I'm not falling for this crap.

I shook him and whisper-yelled.

"Get up, Peter! I know you're just playing around." I shook him awake, but he wouldn't even budge.

"Dammit, Peter. Am I gonna have to carry you now? Get up, lazy bum." Still won't move. I checked his heartbeat, pulse, and breathing, and they were all there.

"Peter! Psst! Get up already!" I kept shaking him awake, but he just wouldn't move.

"Come on! I'm not falling for it! Just give up!" A few more moments had gone by, and he didn't even move an inch. At this point, I started getting worried. Dammit.

"Seriously, wake up, loser!" What the hell? What. The. Hell.

"PETER!" I couldn't take it anymore, so I tried one of the things that he's probably getting me to do by tricking me.

I kissed the 'Sleeping Beauty'.

He kissed back almost instantly, like he was already expecting this to happen, which he most likely probably has.

A few seconds later, I pulled away from him, and he finally opened his eyes and sat up, and when he did, I slapped his chest.

"Ow!" He hissed in pain, while I just smirked at him.

"You know, if you wanted a kiss, you could've just asked, loser."

"Yeah, but we're not even official yet." When he said 'yet', I could've sworn my heart beat faster than before.

"Right..." An awkward silence started, but he broke it by speaking a few moments later.

"So, um...I guess I'll go now. Lo--I mean see you soon, MJ." He gave me a kiss on the cheek, before putting on his mask, and flying away from my window, not even letting me respond to him.

"MJ? Are you still awake?" Crap. My mother's voice. I closed my window quietly, fixed my bed as much as I could, picked up a random novel, nd opened the door.

"Yeah, um, I was just reading this." I showed her my book, but she seemed a little unconvinced by that reason.

"I heard voices in there. What was that?" I quickly thought of the most convincing thing I could say right now.

"I was watching videos on my phone, mom. I should've worn headphones so I couldn't have woken you up from your good sleep." This time, she seemed convince, gave me a nod with a smile, and walked back to her room. That was close.

When I was about to lay down in my bed and sleep, I noticed that Peter's backpack was lying on the floor. And at that exact moment, a text got sent to my phone.

Peter: Did I leave my backpack there?

I replied quickly, starting to feel sleepy.

MJ: Yeah, it's here in my room. I'll give it to you tomorrow. Night, Peter

Peter: Night MJ :)

And I lay down on my bed, thinking of Peter, before finally falling asleep.

A/N: Thanks so much for all the reads and votes! It's nice seeing your support, and the progress this story is making in just about a week surprises me. I actually got a ranking for the first time! And the highest ranking I got is #1 in Michelle Jones, so thank you all so much! More updates coming later! Thanks for reading!

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