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I've been having dreams of you.

Through the day and at night

I wake up to the thought of you

I sleep to the thought of you

You're constantly on my mind

And I don't know why

Today was good

I really liked today

Why is it I feel an urge

An urge for our lips to meet

But I can't do that to you

I can't take something that special away from you

I love you

Those are the strongest words I've ever heard

And not in a friendly way,

in a way I want you to be mine

but you don't feel the same.

So, I have to deal with my urges,

I have to stop myself from doing things.

Today was the day our lips were supposed to meet

but, those plans were unfortunately corrupted

Corrupted with the thought of me taking something 

something, that special and precious away

So i'm sorry if I come off annoying

Or obsessed 

But it's just that you corrupted my mind

and I cant think  

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