Get You The Moon Rap Lyrics

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I made this yes... VERY creative. Made this for someone actually, never sang it to them... i'm planning to but just n0o0o0o0o time so here ya go,

(After the chorus when it repeats)

Remember the time when we started to cry

That was one of the very first things in our time

I remember those words

Those 3 special words

They gave me all feelings

Especially the hurt

The hurt that i'll have to let you go one day 

And after that day I could never be the same

You gave me your all 

Reeled me back up 

Even after the fall

You never gave up

You dealt with the sorrys

You dealt with the pain

You dealt with the teasing entitled to your name

You dealt with the spirals 

The ups and the downs 

Dealt with it all made you feel like a clown 

I'm sorry for sorrow

Sorry for it all

You gave me everything had to choice but to fall

I fell for your smile

I fell for your voice 

You were just so perfect you gave me no choice 

I'll give you the 3 words you gave me at first 

I love you forever

Even though it hurts

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