I really dont know

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It just something about you
The things you do or say
It's weird
It makes me feel
And I don't really know why
Everything about you
The way you smile at me from across the room
You glance and look away
Because you don't want me to see but I always do
And that one day we just kept looking at each other
And we made stupid faces
And we had sunglasses on so we wouldn't notice we were staring at each other
Well at least I did
And that one time where you were just staring at me
then you repeat the same thing over and over
Because you know I smile at it
And the stupid things you do to make me laugh
And if I'm in a room that I'm not supposed to be in you go
"What are you doing here?" And give that stupid smile that I love so much
And then there are times where you come up behind me and say something stupid just to make me laugh
And the times you just come up to me and just touch me
And that just warms me up
And it makes me feel so much better
And when I'm saying something out loud
Or presenting
You just look at me
You don't pay attention to anyone else
But me
And just everything you do
And you feel so bad about yourself
And people make you feel so bad
And I hate that
Yeah you got some flaws
We all do
But I like you
And only you
I fell for you
I fall for you more everyday
And it's ok if you don't feel the same
I'll be waiting
Patiently waiting

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