10-around 2 months

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The light flickers on and off.

With the bright loud yellow paint vibrates the room. The ugly brown chair hold people who are expecting life changes.

There was a women with her husband and there son. Then a pregnant women with her daughter and son. Then a scared teen most likely with out a baby daddy. Then a mom with two twins.

Me and Grayson sat on the side closes to the desk. Awkwardly staring at the wall waiting.

"Ms.García." A small women announced coming out of a bright wooden door with a small glass window.

Grayson practically sprinted to her. Guess he was to awkward.

I get up slowly making it to her.

She looks at Grayson.

"Is this the potential father." She ask looking back at me.

"Yes." I say looking down awkwardly.

"Follow me please." She says holding the door for us.

We walked down this pink hallway with doors and clipboards.

Then going to the last door and opening it.

Me and Gray walk in.

"The doctor will be with you shortly." She says walking away.

That was a damn lie and you know it. They always say that but it's takes like an hour for them to even enter the room.

I sit up on the bed and Grayson sits on the chair by the desk.

"Sooooo." He says.

Grayson starts spinning around the room in the chair with wheels. I laugh at his goofy self.

Then he gets up and walks to the counter with the sink.

There was a jar of condoms. Grayson grabs one.

I didn't believe what he didn't next.

He opens the package then pull it to his mouth blowing it into a balloon.

"GRAYSON!" I yell making him drop it and it flies around the room making a sound.

Me and him both start laughing.

Then a nurse comes in a different one she was dressed in purple.

"Hi there I'm gonna have you dress in this." She said handing me a white gown.

I take if from her and thank her then she leaves.

I walk towards the bath room opening the door.

"No need to go in there I have already learned every single inch of that body."Grayson says with his dark raspy voice.

"I know you have but I am trying to not tigger your little friend." I laugh.

"Smart idea baby." He says with his normal tone.

I finish dressing then making it out of that room.

I walk out covering my legs making it to the bed with out anything popping out.

I lay on the bed with my hands on my stomach tapping it waiting.

"Not helping baby girl clenching your thighs together like that only makes it more tempting for me to take your right there on that bed." He says looking me up and down with those dark eyes.

I bit my lip stopping myself from doing anything risky.

"Don't fucking do that." He says letting out a frustrating sigh.

"What papi stop what?" I says tempting him

I'm dying on the inside but am brave on the outside.

His breathing starts spreading up.

"Stop." He says demanding.

I can already see what's going on down there.

I laugh knowing what I can do.

"Sorry daddy didn't want to cause any problems." I says in a sweet voice. Then bitting my lip.

The door swings open. Which fuck you my ass is out to the world.

"Hi Nova how are we doing today." She says looking at her clip board.

"I'm fine." I say laying back down.

"Okay when was your last sexual interaction." She says clicking her pen the looking at me.

"About two months ago for the most part." I says looking at her.

"Okay I'm gonna skip the urine test and just go check an ultrasound." She says putting the board down.

"Okay." I sigh.

She lifted up the blanket to my thighs then pulling up the gown.

"This might be a little cold." She smiles squeezing the blue liquid my stomach.

She pulls this machine forward.

Then pressing some buttons.

She pulls this thing out and placed it on my stomach.

She circles it around a bit looking deep in the screen.

Grayson pulls his chair more forward.

Then does something unexpected. He holds my hand looking at the screen.

Then we make eye contact and he gives me a small smile.

That is the first time I have seen Grayson smile. Not smirk or anything sexual.

He was being supportive and sweet.

If I'm being honest like both sides of him.

I look back at the doctor.

"I'm hoping this is good news." She says before changing my life forever.

"You are 2 months pregnant Nova." When those words leave the doctors.

I stop like I don't know what to do. Do I cry? Do I just sit there and smile?

I just got out of school. Grayson is a gang leader that won't even expect that fact I want a relationship.

And I...

Have this beautiful life growing inside of me.

Then I realize no matter what life choices I make or what conditions I'm under. This is my baby. It's mine and I will love him or her with all my heart.

I look over at Grayson to my surprise. Like always this boy never seems to not amaze me.

He looks fucking proud of himself.

Then all these wrong horrible thoughts come into my mind.

Did I he plan this? Am I a hit and run? Is he just playing me? Is he gonna leave?

My heart drops.

"Fuck yeah I put a baby in her." He yells.

I don't know what to think.

"Would you like to hear the heart beat mom?" She ask.

"Um yes please." I say letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Then I hear this noise that makes my heat beat. These angels blessing my ears. I close my eyes and listen to my beautiful baby.

I feel my hand squeeze and I open my eyes to see Grayson. He was smiling like a crazy man.

"Now your mine forever." He says looking at the screen.

B-A-D L-O-V-E ✦ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now