21-I'm here for you

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I rush through the hospital receiving glares from the doctor I pushed and grunts from the patient. I didn't care at this point. Someone I love and care about is in pain and behind one of these doors.

I push through the door separating me from my pain. There she sits looking like she just lost her most prized possession. Who can blame her she did...

She doesn't even look at me she was staring out the window. I slowly walk towards her. Sitting next to the bed I grab Lea's hand. I hear her let out a deep breath before turning her head to make eye contact with me.

She looks broken. A few cuts and bruises, huge bags under her eyes. A big black eye and very chapped lips. Her face has no color and no emotion.

"Hey lee." I say pushing hair away from her face.

"H-hi Nova."

She was shaking still. Her lip still has dried blood.

I sigh and hop on to the bed. There was apparently no bad damage on her outside.

I rapped my arms around her and snuggled my head into her neck. "I love youuuuu." I sing to her.

She doesn't smile but I can tell she isn't ticked off either. It was helping her a bit. I just wanted to be closer to her.

"Lea I'm gonna tell you something you can't let anyone know, especially Grayson." I say making her nod.

"I'm not so shy about this anymore manly because I'm more confident then most people and I don't have to worry about it." I let out a sigh

"Y-you know I was in a home right for troubled orphans. I was kind of off the tracks because this was about a month after my mom died. I was in my room one day after dinner. I-I was very dizzy so my house leader said I could skip chores and go to bed. It wasn't normal on how I felt. Like I was awake but I couldn't move and I realized what was happening."

"I-I wasn't in a all girls home. I wish to god I could have been but I wasn't. A kid that has been thrown in here from jail but he was to young and the place was over crowded. H-he came into my room and." Tears started streaming down my face I couldn't stop though. I have to stay strong for her.

"He raped me." I finish

"He drugged me with the date rape drug and that night over dressed my food in salt so I wouldn't noice it in my drink."

I stop and look at her seeing she was concerned . She was also caring and sweet.

"I didn't tell you this to say it's normal. Which it's not. I told you this to let you know your not alone. That's how I felt,alone. Like no one could help me and I was nothing. I didn't want someone to relate to me because I could never wish that on someone. I didn't want someone to feel that pain."

Before I said anything else she pulled me into a tighter hug. We both cried with each other.

She isn't alone.


Grayson's POV

I walked into the hide out feeling odd. Probably because this is my first time since I've been back. I did feel better with Jack next to me.

I walk onto the balcony looking over every one in the dark room.

Everybody stop talking and looks up to me. They do a welcome home cheer.

"Alright Alright chill out!" I yell to calm them.

"Yes I'm back. Though I'm happy to be back. Right now it's not on the best terms!"

"I need my red team over in the corner while the rest of you guys can continue to do whatever the fuck your doing."

🎶I walk down the black rails. Walking to the corner. I stand in front of my red team. This is the more dangerous and skilled team that's why they are the red. The team I always have beside me, that also live in my house are the black team the most dangerous.

"Alright we are having some problems right now-" I start then hear some talking behind me.

"Yo have you seen the Leaders girl. I mean fuck." I clinched my fist.

Jack taps my shoulder trying to cool me off.

"Fuck that little thing can do what ever she wants with me. I bet her pussy taste like raspberry." That was it.

I turn around picking him up by the neck and throwing him across the room. I run over to him picking him up then pushing his head to the concrete ground.

Punch after punch blood is poring out of his face. No one could pull me away. He made many failed attempts to punch me, or at least get out of my grip.

For most of the time all you could hear was bones snapping. I know my limits so I stoped when he was one punch away from death.

I went up to his almost lifeless body and whispered in his ear. "Yeah it does." I crack my jaw before standing up and walking away. Pushing my black sleeveless cotton jacket out. Then cracking my knuckles.

Jack was directly behind me. Just like a brother he was always beside me. We Have each other's back.


My back was against the head board when Nova walked in. She was wearing a white tang top with grey shorts and a long silk rose gold robe.

She was holding my little angel in her arms. Rocking her back and forth to a melody.

"Sorry I just need her beside me tonight." Nova tells me walking towards the bed.

"It's okay beautiful you made it through the whole day without her. She can sleep in here." I tell her pushing the hair out of her face.

Then planting a kiss on her forehead.

"How's Lea?" I Ask

"I would say normal for a victim." She shrugged.

"There's not much to feel when that type of thing happens." Nova explains

She turns and flinched off the light beside her. Making the whole room fill with darkness.

She placed Violet in the small bed crib beside her. I rap my hands around her small waist.

Kissing the side of her head.

"Night baby." I say closing my eyes.

"Night Gray."

B-A-D L-O-V-E ✦ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now