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"You really are momma's special birthday gift." I say poking her little nose.

From day one she has a little smile. Babies can't laugh until a few days later.

"Hey Nova look I'm sorry we had to miss your birthday I had everything planned and-" Grayson said before I cut him off.

"This was the best birthday I have ever had. The greatest gift I could ever ask for it's okay baby." I say looking up to him.

"Well I know nothing could top this gift but yesterday I got you something." He says taking something out of his pocket.

It was a huge black box.

I smile grabbing it.

"I got it for your birthday." He chuckles.

I gently give him Violet and he puts her on his hip.

It open the box in awe. It was our initials n&g&v.

Tears streaming down my face.

I grab his hand smiling at him.

"I'm sorry I know the doctor says your emotions are on high right now but I couldn't wait anymore." He says smiling at me.


Grayson's POV

"Mr.Dolan before we release her I have to tell you something." Dr.Morris says folding her hands.

"Ms.García has a small case of postpartum depression." She finished.

"W-what does that mean?" I Ask

"Nova lucky isn't like most women it's a bit smaller but she can't be separated from the baby for a while. It's a thing that happens with many women. Like when she first had her and was very hesitant to give her to you." She explained.

My heart dropped.

"She will most likely have severe anxiety about the baby. Also get very depressed. She might not let anyone other then you even touch the baby." The doctor says looking down.

"As a partner the best thing you can do is be there for her. I have been Nova's doctor since she was as old as Violet. I delivered her and watched her grow up. I know she is bipolar. So if she ever freaks out all you do is just be there for her." The doctor says walking out.

Shit shit shit.

I get up and run out into the hallway. I look for Jack and see him standing out side Nova's door.

I run over to him.

"Jack I gotta get out of this." I say pacing back and forth.

"Have you told her yet?" He say leaning against the door frame.

"No and I can't because I can't go." I say looking at him.

"Sorry bud but you can't get out of this. This trip is the most important thing." Jack says crossing his arms.

"Fuck what do I do?" I say bagging the wall.

Jack comes behind me grabbing my hands.

"Grayson you can't let it control you calm down." He says in my ear.

I nod my head and free myself from his grasp.

"Now go in there and take her home." Jack say pointing to the room.


Nova's POV

I was in grey sweats with a white undershirt.
I know they are supposed to be under something but they are super nice without anything.

I grab everything I needed to leave.

Grayson comes in with a carrier. I smile that the sight of him.

He placed it onto the bed. I walk over to him picking up Violet.

I place her in. Then buckle her up. The cutest baby ever.

Grayson comes over and pecks me on the lips.

We both look down at Violet. She was in her cute little pink hat. With a light gray footies.

She was in a deep sleep. She is an incredible sleeper.

"Let's get going baby." Grayson says rubbing my back.

I nod and he walks over and picks her up.

The nurse comes in with a wheel chair for me.

I can't walk that well.

I sit in making our way to the reception.


Finally home at last.

Walking into the door we hear a pop. Bright confetti goes every where. I smile looking at everything.

There was a banner saying 'welcome home Nova and Violet'.

Wes has a huge smile and Kian does to.

Cameron is taking a picture. Jack walks over to us hugging me.


The party is over and now it's just me and Grayson. We are in the bed room. Violet was in between us.

"Nova I have to tell you something." He says making my smile go away.

"What is it?" I reply

"I have to leave in a few days." He says making my heart stop.

"What why?" I say chocking up.

"There is a huge deal going on in France and it was originally just going to be Jack and Kian but our rivals are there and said if I'm not there to pick it up they are killing Jack and Kian and taking it all." At this point I'm balling.

God my emotions are bouncing off the walls.

"Y-you can't leave me I'm not ready." I say coving my face.

He's leaving just like everyone else.

"No no babygirl not like that I will be back in a about five months." He rubs my back.

"Five month!" I yell.

"I wanted to ask you something before I go." He say calming me down a bit.

"This is so stupid but do you wanna be my girl friend?"

My heart explodes. I can't handle this.

"No." I say making him stop.

"Just kidding I thought I needed to do that since what you are doing. Yes I would love to be your girlfriend." I say making his smile light back up.


It was time for Grayson to leave and I'm not taking it well.

Camron is staying back with me looking over me and Vi.

"Grayson I can't do this." I say backing away from the door.

"I'm gonna be fine and I'll be back as soon as possible." He says grabbing me.

He pulling into my lips.They work together in rhythm.

We pull apart then embracing each other into a hug.

I wipe my tears moving away from him. He kisses my forehead. Before signing off.

See you soon Grayson Dolan

B-A-D L-O-V-E ✦ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now