13-It's a...

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I woke up with a loss of touch and heat I had last night. He is never here in the morning.

Now that I'm am less hormonal I now know what I didn't yesterday was out of order.

Ha you though no regrets bitch.

I'm not obsessed with him really. I just want someone to love me. Now that I finally have some one here I don't want them to be gone.

I'm not obsessed just addicted.

I want him.

I want his kisses.

I want his touch against my body.

His sent is like a drug.

Thinking about him makes me bit my lip.

I grab his pillow inhaling his sent.

I want him here to love me.

Yeah right, he won't even get in a relationship with me. Now I'm just being delusional.

You're a fool if you think he feels the same way.

I hear the door open and I glance over.

It was wes he had his phone in his hand and the other in his pocket.

I feel like he is forced to have time with me. I mean I'm one of the most insecure person on this planet.

He would never want to be around me. I mean every time I'm around jazz she is drunk so she can block me out.

Now it's like he doesn't even remember my name. She got a new boyfriend and is flying around bora bora with him.

I can't help that I'm needy and I want someone.

"Hey you gotta get up early if you want to check out a dress for the party." Wes says walking over to the closet.

He likes being in there and choosing my clothes. Even though soon not much will fit me.

"You have to wear what you think the gender is." He yells looking at shirts.

I palm my head. I shift up on the bed looking directly at my closet.

I yawn getting out of bed I hated this. I'm finally out of school and I'm always doing something for some one.

Thank god I'm out off school and away hora the explorer though.

Then getting out of bed I make my way to the closet.

Wes was just looking at his phone.

I go over and pick out a black thrasher shirt. Then I got some denim jeans with Holes and put red fishnets under them. Then I got my black Tim's. I didn't want to wear and skin tight things this morning.

"Hey man I was gonna pick that out." Wes pouted pushing his lip out.

"Wes I love you but I love my clothes more and mamas gotta breath." I say pushing his lip back in then walking to the bathroom and turning on the lights around the mirror giving me a better view for makeup.

"You know you don't need that shit your beautiful without it." He said leaning onto the wall.

"No I'm not." I laugh.

"Take it or leave it wes I am me with or without make up." I say applying my lipgloss.

"Jesus your like a damn seductress not wonder Grayson got ya." He laughs.

"Your the only person to even come close to tamping him and your didn't just tame him you fucking whipped him." He says pushing himself off the way walking towards me.

B-A-D L-O-V-E ✦ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now