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I get up hearing loud sounds. My room is dark.

It's not cold anymore. I walk on the floor to try and find the source the sound is coming from.

Where is Grayson?

I continue walking down the hallway hearing the sound getting loud. I hear thumping and something high pitched.

I think I finally find the door and what's behind it. Are the boys drinking in here ,oh god I'm gonna be so pissed.

When I open the door it wasn't something stupid like the guys drinking or someone's tv playing. It's my worsts night mare.

Everything I though came true. I tried so hard and I tried to make myself believe that I was worth more.

It's was Grayson on top of another women. Bella.

My heart just drops. Like a wave a pain goes through my body.

I've never been in love before. Then I met Grayson and some how figured out what Love was. It all hit me like a truck.


Now I know why he never said it. He never felt it.

He lied to me telling me he cared about me. IF YOU CARE YOU DON'T SLEEP WITH OTHER PEOPLE!

If you care you don't do something that can potentially hurt me. You don't do something that hurts me.

Cheating wouldn't even cross your mind.

I was a fool a fucking fool to think he felt the same way. I can't even describe this feeling.

I guess I'm just not good enough.

"Grayson?" I say softly.

My voice couldn't come out more then a whisper. I wasn't crying but I guess it was coming.

I don't usually cry I mean I just kind of take in the emotions.

My heart is just to broken I can't hold it in. I can't take in this emotion I can't comprehend it.

It really hurts. Very very very bad like a weight on my chest. It doesn't hurt like child birth. I don't think I've ever felt this bad.

"NOVA!" He yells jumping out of the bed faster then I could say my own name.

He ran and picked up his boxers putting them on.

He doesn't love me.

He doesn't care.

Then salty tears stream down my face. No stopping them. I start coughing like crazy.

"No princess don't cry." He says running up to me trying to touch my face.

I just walk away. I come to my room locking the door.

I slowly just walk to my daughter sleeping quietly on the bed. I know he isn't running after me. I mean who would.

He doesn't care and I know that.

One person in this whole world actually needs me.

She's sitting right in front of me. Everyone needs a mother. Some people just don't have the chance of that. I'm not taking that away from her.

She needs me. I have a purpose in this world.

Then why does it feel like I shouldn't be here.

Why do I feel like I don't belong?

It hurts that's the only way I can explain it.

Then everything hits me hard.

So I just cry and cry.

I let the tears steam down my face.

Screaming for help. Some sort of solution. To take this pain away.

I run to my closet tears still in my eyes.

Then I just stop and run back in the room.

I pick up Violet and run out of the room.

Fuck packing.

I run as fast as I can to the door.

Before opening it I grab the keys.

I run to the Jeep quickly opening the door.

I put V in the back seat.

Then I get in the drivers and take off.

I look to my left seeing a bridge.

I stop the car getting out.

I look over the edge.

Water crashing against the rocks. It should be scary but I'm not scared.

I don't feel anything. I'm numb.

No thoughts in my mind.

I let go.


Pushing my self up and sweat beads lay across my forehead. I open my eyes to a bright room.

It was all dream


I'm so sorry for that I know I hate when people play with my emotions and that was just cold. It was chilling at the same time though everyone needs that heart drop once in a while anyways Nova is still alive and Grayson is still sexy and loyal. Love ya.

B-A-D L-O-V-E ✦ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now