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Wait for the sign

My brush runs through my long black hair. I put it down and pick up my straightener. I finish my last strand.

A large smile appears on my face while applying my gloss. Walking into the large closet space the first thing in sight is a simple white silk dress. My hands run over the fabric. Then pulling it on I adjust it to fit my shape.

This is the dress I'm going to marry the love of my life in. It was rushed and not exactly the dress I was looking for but perfect. I've come to a realization that I could be wearing trash bag but it wouldn't matter, it matters who I walk towards at the end of the isle.

I feel hands go around my waist

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I feel hands go around my waist. "Here let me help you." Grayson says zipping up my dress. I smile at him,thanking him for help. His touch still feels as it did the first day I met him and the moment I knew I loved him.

"Yes." I giggle. "I have something for you." He whispers grabbing a box. I smile taking it from his hands and opening it. It was the letter G in diamonds on a sliver chain. Heat rises to my cheeks as I look up to him.

"You didn't have to Baby." I tell him hugging him close. "Yes I did or else I wouldn't have one to match mine." He shrugs pulling out a replica of my necklace but with a 'N'.

Walking towards him I kiss his sweet lips. He hasn't stopped smiling since the minute he woke me up. I don't mind it was the most precious thing in the world.

He goes behind me and placed the necklace around my neck, hooking it. I pull my hair out.

Then I grab onto his arm running to the door. We go outside and go to my favorite one of his cars.

We get in and drive off. I felt like Romeo and Juliet running off and hiding from our families. Our love is deep and strong. Nobody can break it. Sometimes it might be toxic but it is addictive. You can't get enough it. You always seem to come back for more.

My hair was flowing in the wind. I put my hands up without a care in the world. Grayson turned the music up as we yelled and laughed. It was just us. That was all that mattered at the moment. It was like there was nothing else in the world just me and him in space together.

I look over at him.

He was attempting to sing the words of the song he didn't know. His short fluffy hair was flying every direction and his eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

Grayson's POV

I look at her.

She was singing loud and hard. Her hands flowed in the air dancing to the music. Her giggles fill the Jeep along with her beautiful singing.

B-A-D L-O-V-E ✦ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now