33-Waiting Game

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You could hear the drips of the I.V and the beeps of the heart monitor for hours and still not feel anything. A pale blue room. White sheets laying on top of her body.

A tube in her mouth helping her breath. You could hear the exhale and inhale every few seconds. The clocks tick and ticks over and over.

This room just makes me feel like I'm going completely insane.

This world is depriving me of the only person who is keeping me sane. It feels like an itch you can't scratch.

Her eyes are closed and her pulse is slow.

The door creaks open. Revealing a tired looking Jack.

"Hey bud." He says coming in. "So I was talking to the boys and they said it's probably best to have her transferred to the hospital by us and leave tonight."

"That's probably best." I replied dry.

I stand up rubbing my dry eyes. "I'm gonna go check Violet out and talk to them." I tell him.

I walk out about 4 feet before sliding down the wall. I place my hands on my face for my sobs to be absorbed.

What I'm I supposed to do? How do I help her?

What if she doesn't make it? What do I tell Violet? What do I do with my life?

I constantly shower myself in these questions I can't solve.

I take a deep breath. I push myself back up so I could keep going.

I go to the registry checking everything out.

She smile at me before I left but I couldn't seem to even lift my face.

There's only two people that I would smile for right now. I walk down hallways with warning signs for health care and etc. I end up at a purple room filled with butterflies.

I inhale and exhale again before entering the room with a huge fake smile.

"Hey baby cakes." I say picking her up and spinning her around. Hearing her giggle replaced my fake smile with a real one.

I move the hair from her forehead before gently kissing it.

"Mami." She said putting her head on my chest and leaning her body on mine. "Baby,mommy is going away for a while and won't be back for a few weeks." I tell her knowing she wouldn't understand what any of that meant.

"Mami." She cries more. "I know I know I miss her to." I cry with her. I hold her as tight as I can without hurting her.


As the jet took off no one said anything everyone was just taking it all in. Of course everyone on this Jet cared about Nova more then anything.

Nova was everyone's life line an now we are kind of stranded in space.

Jack's POV

I can't do it, I can't. All I can see is just her on the hospital bed fighting for her life. Every time I close my eyes I think of her hanging out that window.

Her beautiful tanned skin stained with blood. Her gorgeous bright eyes bloodshot. Her loving soul tainted with pain.

I can't imagine how she feels. I can't imagine that pain.

Lea's POV

I'm a horrible person. Every day, every damn day Nova visited me in the hospital. I haven't seen her once.

My best friend that thought me everything. That cares for me and is the reason I'm still going is hurt so bad I can't fix her.


A week later

Grayson's POV

So Nova started to wake up but it wasn't good for her health her body couldn't heal itself like that. So they put her in a coma.

I have to go three more weeks without her. So does the person that has known her since birth, that hasn't spent one day away from her.

My baby isn't handling it so well. I'm constantly answering questions to where is mommy and when is she coming back.

I can't even say her fucking name out loud. It hurts, I never hurt like this.

So I decided what's better then a daddy daughter day.

I was taking Violet out and buying her clothes and taking her for ice cream.

Just to smile on her face to replace mine.

I put her on my shoulders as we walked to the next store.

I bumped into someone.

"Grayson Dolan." I hear him say. "Yeah?"

"It's me Luis. You used to date my god daughter Nova."

Hearing her name throws me off like a dizzy spell hits me.

"I haven't seen her since before graduation. I miss her man. I've been trying to find her but she moved out of her apartment." He shrugs.

"Awe you girl sure does look familiar." He laugh as he is thinking of memories.

"Did you not know?" I question confused.

"Know what son?" "This is Violet Dolan."

"Yeah and?"

"Nova's daughter." There it is again that dizziness. "S-she has a kid." He says very shocked. He looked hurt that he didn't know.

"Yeah for a while now."

"Where is she? Are you guys?" He hits me with questions. "No we aren't married just dating. She is in the hospital." I say letting out a sigh.


"She was in a car crash." I say then walking away because I couldn't handle taking about her anymore.

I take a turn into a ice cream shop.

"Okay Violet why do you want?" I ask point at the bright ice cream.

She points down to something I didn't expect.

Birthday cake. Nova's favorite every time we went out that is what she would order but in chocolate.

I smile at my spiting image of my girlfriend. It's true that all Violet reminds me of her it's like looking right at her.

"Hey can I get two waffle cones with chocolate birthday cake with gemes." I ask the man behind the counter. He nods and starts our order.

I grab the ice cream and pay.

Sitting down with Violet as she eats it. I smile seeing the perfect moment to take a picture.

I chuckled at her hair since I don't know how to do it

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I chuckled at her hair since I don't know how to do it.

She really needs her mom.

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