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8 years ago

Grayson's POV

I hand her the delicate flower colored yellow and pink.

"I got this for you Ash." I smile at my girlfriend. I am in love with her. She is the only thing on my mind all the time.

"Uh thanks." She says popping her gum before putting it in her purse. "Is Ethan here?" She ask walking into my house.

"Yeah I think." I scratch my head walking in front of her. "I was thinking." I hold onto her small hands painted with bright pink nail polish.

"We could go out on a date tomorrow." I question gazing into her bright blue eyes. "I don't know Grayson. I have a lot of homework and um study group." She tells me.

"It's okay darling we can reschedule." I tell her hoping to make it easier. "Cool um I have to go." She says running out of the house. "Bye Love you!" I yell waving.

She is just perfect. I daydream about her long rose colored hair and her soft voice.

"Grayson why aren't you doing your homework like your brother." I hear my mom spit as my dad and her storm in the room dressed all fancy. Most likely business.

"I'm sorry I was talking to Ashley I'll get to it." I say walking to my room. "By the way mom you look great." I say turning to her.

She picks up her phone and purse. "Mhm." She says opening the door and leaving.

I run up to my room. I pull out my homework and headphones. I turn on the neighborhood and get to work.


I stroll through the hall ways with a huge smile on my face. I was gonna take a big risk today.

I'm asking Ashley to prom. I got a huge bouquet for her and a poster. She's gonna be so happy.

I tightened my grip on the poster getting nervous. I see her long red hair from the corner. She was at her lock talking to her friends.

I tap her shoulder and take a step back.
She turns around letting her hair flow. She blinks real fast before grabbing her chest in shock.

"Oh Grayson." She says coming up and patting my shoulder. "So what do you say." I smile.

"Sure." She smirks bitting her nail.

I smile pulling her into a hug. "I love you ash."


I pull the ends of the tight making them into a bow. Then fixing my collar I grab my keys.

I run out of the house to my bag black Jeep's I hope I'm turning the car on the. Driving to Ashley's house.

I drive into her long drive way making to his her front door. I take a few knocks and the door opens to her oldest brother. He gives me a smile that looks like guilt In it. I don't know why.

I look behind him seeing my beautiful girlfriend dressed in a long red dress that went with her perfect. My heart thumps out of my chest.

My face lights up with smile. I run over to her giving her a smile. I pull her into a kiss and she pushed back a bit. "Grayson my makeup took hours to do." She complains.

"You look perfect without it." I smile looking into her blue orbs.

I take her hand leading her to my Jeep.


It's been a few weeks since prom. I feel kind of disconnected with ash she is really busy a lot of the time. I understand though she is a cheerleader and she is a straight A student.

I was walking through school. A huge smile on my face.

Books in my hand and my head held high. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. She is my everything I don't about anyone else.

I push open the science door. I hear loud noises turning my head sideways. It's like my world stop.

My eyes sting with tears. It's not just that my blood boils. I've never been so mad in my entire life. My jaw clenched and my fist turned white.

I took a punch right at his skull. Like bashing his head him. I could hear bones crack. Blood flies everywhere but I can't hear anything. I could hear her screams but I wouldn't stop. I felt that warm blood hit my hand and for some disgusting reason it satisfied me.

I couldn't feel my pain just my anger. I stoped and took my hands away. My eyes glazed at the napkin despiser and I could see myself anymore. It's wasn't Grayson Dolan staring back at me it was monster.

Again for that disgusting reason I liked it. I smirked looking down at the dying body.

"You lose bitch." I spit in her face. She starts crying hiding in the corner. "You let the beast out and he doesn't love you." I laugh walking out of the class and walking out of the school.


Water dripped on my hood as I sat in the dark ally. A purple light shined from the bar.

I cross my arms over my chest waiting for the guys. I had the little package in my hand twiddling it between my fingers.

I hear the water splash from boots hitting against it. I look down to see two boy the same age as me walking towards me. The both had there hoods on as well.

"You got it?" I hear one ask with a smirk. "Yeah you got the money?" I ask looking at them not changing the look on my face.

"Yeah. I'm Jack." He said holding out his hand. I took it.

"I'm Camron!" The other one said. "You know who I am." I smirk towards them holding hand out.

"How about I show you not around you look new?" I suggest looking at their hopeless eyes.


"Grayson Dolan you are under arrest for drug possession anything you say or do will be hold against you in the court of law." The officer says hitting my chest against the police car.

I roll my eyes spiting at his shoes. He hits me harder and I just push it off. I look over seeing Jack in the same position with a smirk on his face.

I look in his eyes knowing neither of us had any regrets.


My clothes are thrown at me and I finally get to dress back into my regular clothes. I'm tired of this shit jail food.

I smirk at him, being the same officer that arrested me.

"See look I told you I made prison my bitch." I laugh taking my cigarette and placing it between my lips.

I shag my hair to one side of my head fixing my leather jacket.

"Have fun in school Dolan." He spits walking back towards the hell hole.

I punch Jack's shoulder heading to the car where Kian has been waiting for minutes.


I groan hitting the dashboard. "This is so fucking stupid."

"It's either finish school or work for a government job." Camron shrugs. We can only to business if I go to school which pissed me off because I already dropped out. I despise school with my whole black heart.

I push the door open walking to the entrance. The boys followed behind me as I push the big metal doors open sending a loud sound through the empty halls.

My heart beat speeds up as I look forward. I see brown hair flowing as she turns toward me. With a sly smirk on her face she walks to a scared looking girl not breaking eye contact with me.

Her huge brown eyes flutter every few seconds like she was staring into my soul. She walks over to her locker kicking it closed. Smirking before turning her heel and walking out of the school swaying her hips.

I think I just met the love of my life.

B-A-D L-O-V-E ✦ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now