chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up, Rose was sound asleep, I got out of bed, and passed her empty living room to the balcony to take a smoke. I lit my cigarette and puffed. I was thinking that maybe it's possible I do love Rose. It was at first sight. I have really strong feelings for her, even though we'd only known each other for, two or three days, I knew I definitely wanted to take her out again. There's something else about her that I admire, but I just don't know what it is, it's like she's a mystery.

***Roses pov***

When I woke up Gerard wasn't in bed. I grabbed a cigarette from my dresser and lit it, and went out to the balcony, Gerard was there leaning on the railing.


"Good morning, beautiful,"

I blushed when he called me beautiful.

"My band and I are going to be playing at this local coffee shop tonight at 8:00, would you wanna come watch, then afterwards, we'll talk over a cup of coffee?"

"Gerard, are you asking me out on another date?"

He chuckled, and took another puff of his cigarette, and nodded,

"you can say that,"

I nodded, taking a puff of my cigarette, we stared at the Orange sky,

"Do you sing in your band?"


"I bet you sound great,"

"what makes you think so?"

"you wouldn't be in a band, performing at a coffee shop if you couldn't sing,"

He let out a laugh, his smile was just breath taking, I could look at him forever and ever, and I wouldn't get tired of it.

"I can't wait to hear you guys, what's your band called?"

"My Chemical Romance,"

I nodded, he put out his cigarette and exhaled the smoke, he then put both of his hands on either side of my hips and lifted me and sat me on the railing, I felt a little scared,

"Don't worry beautiful, I got you, I won't let you fall,"

He smiled at me and I smiled back, and wrapped my legs around his waist for support, as were staring into each other's eyes, I could feel chills go up my spine and butterflies going crazy in my stomach, then I realized that I was falling harder for him, I remembered that when I moved here I wouldn't fall for another man, so I panicked.

"let me down, please,"

Gerard looked concerned so he helped me down, I started crying, and ran to the living room,Gerard running after me,

"Rose, what's wrong?"

"get out...."

"what? why?"

"just go, please"

"what's wrong?"


I threw a coffee mug at him but he dodged it and it smashed into the floor, he put on his shoes and jacket and left without another word....I just sat in the middle of the floor crying. I had flashbacks of horrible memories that made me want to move to New Jersey even more, I couldn't bare the bare pain that I was feeling in Ohio anymore.

I immediately began hating myself, not for only kicking Gerard out, but for not telling him about the past that could possibly scar me for life. I had to apologise to him.

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