Chapter 9

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I tried to open the door, but Gerard locked it, I knocked on it three times.

Rose: Gerard, open up!

Gerard: Go away! I can't believe you would do that, with my own brother. That's just....low.

Rose: It's not what you think....

Gerard: it's what I know. I love you, Rose, and when I heard you and heart just broke into a million pieces. You sliced my chest open and stabbed my heart.

Rose: please, open up and I'll explain everything...

It was complete silent for a moment, I heard the door click, I slowly opened the door, and slid in, closing the door behind me. Gerard was sitting on the bed, I can tell by looking at his eyes that he was crying, his flaming red hair drooped down as he put his head down.

I bit my lip, and sat next to him, I reached for his hand, but he moved it away.

Rose: don't know what you heard, but whatever it was, you took it the wrong way...see, I woke up early this morning because Mikey had told me to meet him in his room.

Gerard's watery eyes looked in mine.

Gerard: Go on...

Rose: I knew what I wanted to get you for Christmas but I didn't have emo I money, so Mikey offered to pay the other half. So, I gave him the money this morning and he went to the mall to get, whilst I stay in his room, and wrap up hos gift to you like I promised because he couldn't wrap it alone. When  he came back, I was afraid that you might come in his room and see the gift that I had in mind for you,and he kept assuring me that we won't get caught. so we were wrapping together and I told him to hurry up and wrap it already.

Gerards pov

After she explained everything to me, I felt bad, I was such an idiot to think that she would cheat on me, especially with my brother. I immediately pulled her onto my lap and hugged her tightly. I nuzzled my nose in the crook of her neck.

Gerard: I'm sorry to think that you would do that to me....I'm so sorry.

Rose lifted my chin so that our eyes meet.

Rose: you don't have to worry about me cheating on you. I love you too much to even do that. It hurts to even think about it. I would never do that to you. Because it would hurt both of us. I love you. You can trust me.

Gerard: I love you....

I turned over, lying on the bed, on top of her, her legs wrapped around my waist. I hold her hands down and kiss her with passion, she lets out a light moan when I begin to kiss her neck,our bodies slide against each other, the heat fills the air. I break the kiss to get some air, then I kiss her again, reaching my hand up her shirt and rub her soft skin. I finally stop, as I remember that she isn't ready to go all the way yet. We just lie their in bed, I could hear my parents walk past our door to the stairs.

Gerard: time to get breakfast ready.

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