Chapter Sixteen

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The following morning you feel so glad to see that it's 10am and you didn't wake once due to Anna making noise. Justin is still laying next to you sleeping sound as a baby. You kiss his forehead then you go and get a shower, do your hair and get dressed. You walk downstairs to make breakfast for Justin, which you haven't done in a long time. About 20 minutes later Justin comes walking downstairs rubbing his eyes. It's obvious he's tired but why? Nothing went on last night or at least you thought nothing happened. 

"Justin, what's wrong?"

"I'm so tired. I barely slept."

"What? Why?"

"I was worried something would happen, i wanted to stay up to make sure nothing happened to you. I just had a feeling."

"Anna wouldn't do something."

"Not Anna...." He looks down at his phone, he throws the phone on the couch angrily. "Nevernind, Y/N."

"Ummm okay?"

You're so confused so you just let it go. You take Justin his omelet and toast. Not one word was said during breakfast. 

Your thoughts: 

What is Justin's problem? Who was he texting? Why did he get mad at the texts? Ugh Y/N quit worrying if it was important he would tell you.

Your thoughts are interrupted by Justin saying "I'm getting weird texts from a number I don't know and they said they were gonna hurt you. That's why I was worried. I'm sorry for getting an attitude, I love you. I don't want anything happening to you."

"Justin, what's the numer?"


"Oh my god! That number texted me a week ago saying weird stuff about you. So first we get hit with the fact that our house is haunted now someone is stalking us."

Just then Anna appears. 

"Y/N I need to talk to you"

"Anna what is it?"

"I found Jack!"

"Oh my goodness where?!"

"Come here I'll show you."

You and Justin follow Anna to the beach (remember you live in a beach house so the beach is your backyard.) and you see a male figure floating in the water motionless besides the moving of the waves. You jump in the water not thinking that it was Jack.

Jack: "HA GOT YOU!"

You fall back into the water and Justin runs into the water and pulls you up.

Anna: "Jack! They're helping us move on. I guess we're dead."

Jack: "Duh we're dead. We were murdered, dumb ass."

You and Justin walk to the shore and just sit there listening to them bicker back and forth. 

Upside Down Love - A Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now