Chapter Eleven

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The next morning, Justin is up before you which is unusual. Something must have been bothering him being as it's 8:30am and he's already up and showered. You walk downstairs to find Justin shirtless in sweatpants making breakfast. You ask him if he wants to talk about what you saw last night. He says you guys can talk after he's done making breakfast. He made chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries on top.

While you guys are eating you say "Justin please don't judge me if I tell you what I saw."

He just nods since he's in the middle of chewing.

"Okay well this is going to sound weird but I think I saw a ghost."

As soon as you finished that sentence Justin's eyes got wide and he looked a little concerned.

You continue telling your story, "It was a girl and she looked about 2 or 3 years younger than me so that'd make her like 16 or 17, but anyways she looked really sad almost like she was lost and was looking for someone. I don't know if I really saw a ghost or if it was just my imagination but whatever it was it made me scared. What if she is a ghost and she's one of those mean ghosts that want to hurt people....." Your voice trailed off because you're getting to scared and nervous to continue. Justin gets up and comes over to you and hugs you.

He says "everything will be okay, baby. I won't let anything happen to you even if I can't see the ghosts. I completely believe you, but if you see her again I think we should call Zak to see if he could help us out." 

You: "No, we should call Zak if she start doing weird stuff. I think she thinks she's still alive but I could be wrong. I wonder what her name is..."

Justin: "Hmm maybe since you can see her you can talk to her too?"

You: "What do you think I am? A ghost whisperer?" You smile and laugh.

Justin laughs too and nods his head agreeing that that's what you are.

You lean in and give him a kiss. You say "I love you even though you're an ass."

He replies saying "I love you too, baby girl"

Upside Down Love - A Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now