Chapter Nineteen

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You make the brownie mix and pour in the cherries, then put the mix in a pan and start to bake it. 15 minutes later the timer on the oven goes off and Zac is calling you.

"Someone go to the door, Zac's here."

Susie jumps up and runs to the door... "Hey, Zac"

"Hi, Susie. Please tell me someone made me brownies."

"What if we didn't?"

"I'm going back to Walmart and returning the popcorn."

"Well bye then!"

"Shut up, I smell them."

"Okay come in then."

They both laugh and Zac walks into the kitchen as you're taking the brownies out of the oven.

"Mmmm my favorite. And you're my favorite person right now."

"Actually, Susie made them for you. I wasn't even going to do it so she did it."

Zac turns around and smiles at Susie and says "Well come here and give me a hug, favorite person!"

Susie blushes and walks over and gives him a hug.

"Well I guess I'm stuck with you losers until my brownies cool down."

All the girls yell "CHICK FLICK TIME!"

"Ew no. What the fuck. Watch something better than The Vow. GROSS"

"Then we're gonna watch High School Musical and make fun of you" You giggle.

"No go ahead watch your chick flick, I'll just raid your fridge."

You guys begin watching The Vow but Susie can't seem to take her eyes off of Zac. 'PUKE' You think. Susie walks over to Zac and they start talking but you can't hear what they're saying because they're whispering. Emilee whispers "I wonder what they're saying."

You whisper back "Me too. Ew what if they start dating?"

Dri says "Me and Em will be left out since you two are dating famous people" you all laugh.

"Then we have to hook you guys up with someone famous, duhh!"


"Someone I know, dumb ass. I don't like stupid one direction so no way."

"Well fuck you too. I don't like dumb ass Justin Bieber." Emilee laughs.

"Dri any ideas?"

"How about" she pats her chin like shes thinking hard, what a loser, you think "Em, should date Jake since they're both 19."

Emilee says "Jake T. Austin? Okay work your magic, Y/N."

"Okay, Dri now someone for you?"

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