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jack's pov

bella's back, i didn't know how to feel. should i be happy she's back? or should i be said because she's in the arms of another guy. i mean madison and i were back together so i guess it was the same, except it wasn't, she moved on she got over me, but i am still hopelessly in love with her. i feel like if i see her in real life, i would melt into putty for her. madison was at a photoshoot right now so i am here alone in my bed, left to do nothing. i decided to maybe go live on instagram, since i am never really active on instagram anymore. suddenly there are over 1.3 k people watching my live,

"hey guys it's jack, i'm live" i say and i see a bunch of heart emojis and questions fly through, i didn't really know what to expect from doing a live. 

"haha yeah i am growing my hair out, do you guys like it?" i ask and a bunch of comments said yes, some said no. i heard muffled voices outside so i walk out of my room with my live still on, my eyes widened, johnson, kels, and bella walked through the front door. she was here, my baby was here but she wasn't here alone, there was this other guy that held her waist, my blood boiled. johnson noticed me first, "hey G! this is hunter, bella's boyfriend" he introduces and he shakes my hand, bella's eyes widened, "jack are you on live?!" she freaked and i quickly responded, "shitttt, J we just exposed it to my live" i exclaimed. he apologised over a million times, bella said it wasn't anybody's fault and her fans were bound to find out anyway. i was surprised how calm i was acting around her. it was kinda awkward, bella was in deep conversation with johnson and kelsey and her boyfriend was kinda just there so, i thought i'd maybe talk to him, get the ball rolling. 

"so how did you and bella meet?" i asked, he looked stunned that i talked to him, guessing he knows our history, he smiled, "we met in high school, dated from sophomore till she moved out here long distance was hard" he answered, shit they had so much history, i mean they dated for almost two years. suddenly i felt our relationship, our bond was nothing like theres, he never did her wrong. i nodded, "wow you two share so much history, i just wanna clear things up, i don't want things between us guys to be weird just cos you are dating my ex kinda thing" i announce and he agreed nodding and smiling at me, and shook our hands like guys would. 

"wow my ex and my boyfriend getting along! something i would never imagine since you both are jealous asses" bella teased, we both laughed. wow i missed her sarcastic humour. gilinsky shut up, you don't wanna stuff this up. i excused myself to go back to my room to get ready for madison and i's date. 

a sudden knock broke me out of my trance, kelsey opened the door and let herself in. these past months we got closer, she was actually really chill, she always seemed over excited and hyped when we all hanged in a group, but she understands feelings like no one else could. she gave me a sheepish smile, "hey jack, how you feeling about hunter being here? i heard what you said to hunter and i think you are the bigger man for saying that" she praises me as she sits on the corner of my bed, i couldn't help but sigh. "i mean i just want her to be happy, and if it is not with me then i am going to have to accept that, i mean i cheated on her and i didn't even want to or plan to, i wanted to put a ring on that girl and that's something since we were barely dating for more than 5 months" i cry and tears were falling from my eyes. kelsey wrapped her arms around me patting my back, wow johnson had a good girl, he knew that kelsey helped me and comforted me when it came to bella and he loves her even more for it, i mean his girlfriend helping his stupid broken best friend. they had both forgave me a month later because they could see that i was broken, but they got mad when i first told them i was back with madison. but they learnt to accept it as i am assuming they found out bella had moved on to. i mean does bella even still think of me? 

"jack look at me, you are strong, you can handle this, if it was really meant to be, fate will bring you two together, you know the saying, if you love someone let them go and if they come back then it was meant to be" she comforts me and i nodded in between sniffles i said thank you. i cry, "it is just that they have dated for so long before she moved to la and distance tore them apart" kelsey's eyes widened then she furrowed her eyebrows, "is that what he told you?" she asked sounding quite mad and i furrowed my brows, "yeah, he said they dated from sophomore till she left for la and they couldn't handle the distance" i explain confused. she pursed her lips and crossed her arms, "that mother fucker" she muttered as she got up to leave, i pull her back, "what kels? tell me" i pleaded, she panicked for a second before telling me, "he fucking cheated on her in the last 3 months of their relationship, not once but 4 times" she spat as she left my room. i was speechless. he cheated on her, bella was cheated on by hunter 4 times. nothing compared to me, but that doesn't change the fact that i did but he's not so 'the one' as i thought.

i finally finished getting ready for my date, to be honest i didn't want to go anymore, i wasn't in the mood. i kept think about hunter and bella, why would she forgive him, but she won't forgive me. i mean she replied to my message that she has gotten over it and she still wanted to be friends. but he cheated on her 4 times and he gets her back, i don't fucking get it. i left my room mad, i probably have to see them and with my predictions i was correct, they were cuddled up next to each other, them, johnson and kelsey all watching a movie. my jaw clenched, i went to the kitchen to grab a drink. 

i heard someone enter, i turn to face who it was, it was bella, my bella, my baby. my breath hitched, she was stunning even with no make up. i had been staring for way to long, she's gonna think i am crazy or something. i coughed breaking the silence, "hey, what were you looking for?" i asked awkwardly scratching the back of my neck, "just came to get a drink, where you going dressed so nice" she teased, wow she called me attractive well called my outfit nice, "madison and i have a date" i say, shit why did i say that, i don't want her to think i am not interested in her anymore, but you have to be she's moved onto that asshole. "ohhh, well you look handsome, madison would be happy, have fun! better get back to them before they think i got swallowed by the sink" she jokes and she lets a laugh out at her own joke, wow i missed that. she is still everything i want and more. i left the kitchen and grabbed the keys to my jeep driving off to pick madison up.

why did i have to screw up, jack why?

the girl in the club • jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now