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jack's pov

i fucked up. 

i lost her.

i cheated on her.

i am crying for what seems like the 500th time this week, she has been gone for a week, i had no idea where she was in the world, but i know i miss her like crazy. kelsey and johnson barely talk to me, the same with my other mates, i really fucked up. its all because i wanted answers, like what madison told me she would give but she did nothing but pull me into a kiss, and i kissed back, it felt good at the time, it felt like madison and i had never been broken up, but when we pulled apart, it felt so wrong, i panicked and ran from her house got into the car and went straight to the bar and got drunk then woke up in her bed, we didn't have sex but i knew when i was drunk we made out, reality hit me when i woke up the next morning, i had cheated on bella, the one girl who never judged me, the girl i loved. 

i wish i knew where she was, so i could fly to her and tell her i was sorry, and to beg for her forgiveness. but right now she don't wanna be found, well by me, everyone else knew where she went. i mean i am not surprised. the only person that is willing to talk to me right now is madison. 

madison: babe can i come over

me: sure 

madison: be there in 10 xx

me: ok cool 

i didn't love her no more. but she was a good distraction from bella, she's on my mind like twenty-four seven. johnson walked passed my room with no second glance, he hated me, not only because i ditched his birthday in greece but i hurt his best friend. i mean they met through me but the bond between them was unbreakable, like they have known each other for years. i hated the fact he hated me, he was the og, but it was my fault, madison came between us. 

i hear muffing of voices, between johnson and whoever was at the door, "why the fuck are you here madison? came to ruin my relationship too?!!" he shouted at her and she rolled her eyes, "no johnson, i am here for my boyfriend" she spat, i was most certainly not her boyfriend. i appear from my room, johnson looked at me with disgust, "wow jack, really low of you, thought you loved bella, guess not because you are back with her the girl you cheated on her with" he shouted before leaving the house, not before slamming the door, kelsey came out of his room and looked at madison and i, she looked more upset then mad, "fight for her gilinsky she still loves you" she whispered under her breath loud enough for me to hear before walking out to join johnson in his car. i sighed on the verge of tears but i didn't want madison to see. 

"so baby what do you wanna today?" she kissed my cheek, i looked at her, shrugged my shoulders walking towards my room and switched on netflix. i didn't feel the need to go out, or for people to see us together, incase bella saw, didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

( IM SORRRYYY!! + i wanted to clear it up one more time, i don't hate madison i think she is stunning and great talent but its just for the book xx) 

the girl in the club • jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now