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jack's pov

if i couldn't have fucked even more. i fuck up even more. fucking hell jack, what the actual fuck were you thinking exposing her privacy like that, i mean i wasn't even supposed to know, at least not yet. fuck i screwed up kels and her trust now, fuck, she wasn't answering any of my calls, neither was kelsey. i can only imagine her crying in the arms of kels and stas, and i am the one to have made her cry. not even madison was talking to me, she was mad at me for what i said on instagram, she drove over to stas place to go comfort her new found best friend. the boys were all over trying to get me to calm down, they understood it was in the heat of moment, but that didn't make them hate me even less, they just are my bros, trying to help me.

i called bella for the 100th time tonight and still no answer, i sigh and tug on my hair. i was losing my mind. i needed to see bella in person, tell her i was sorry in person. i got up out of my seat, shocking the guys, "i need to see her" i exclaim as i grabbed my keys and went for the garage. "jack! you can't she needs time" sammy called, i ignored him as i did the other guys pleas. i've fucked up with bella once and i am not letting it happen again. i stepped on the gas and sped my way to stas house, where i knew she was. my mind was fogged but i kept my eyes on the road.

half an hour later, i was parked on the driveway. i slammed my door shut and sprinted towards the front door, ringing the bell without a second thought, stassie opened the door. her eyes widened then formed into a scowl, she hated me. "jack what do you want?!" she gritted through her teeth, "i want to see bella, tell her i'm sorry" i pleaded, kels popped out from beside her, she gave me a look of hate, well i did just tell the whole world what she told me in private, "she doesn't want to see you" she growled. i groaned, i raised my voice out of frustration, "yeah, i will believe that when i hear it from bella herself" and they boy crossed their arms. "fine, but if she doesn't want to speak to you, you need to stop calling and you leave immediately" stassie commanded and i nodded. without another second bella was at the door, her face stained with tears and she was wearing a big t-shirt and booty shorts. "bella" i whispered she didn't look at me once, "jack leave, i don't care for your apology nor do i care for you, leave me alone" she sobbed closing the door on my but i stopped it from shutting with the palm of my hands, "bella, hear me out please, i can't lose you, i already have once, not again" i cry with actual tears falling from my eyes. she cried even more, i held her in my arms, "i can't jack, sorry jack bye" she says pushing me off her, my heart sank, she didn't. "bella i'm sorry" i managed to get out before she shut the door close. i cry, tears blurring my vision. i drove and drove to the nearest bar, i needed to get drunk. i couldn't handle the fact that bella hated me.


i woke up in a familiar surrounding, my room, wait how did i get here. johnson and sammy came into view, they handed me a glass of water and advil. "uh- how did i get here?" i asked taking it from johnson, "you had your location on and so we drove to pick you up" sammy answered and i nodded. then everything came back to me, the events that happened last night. i started to cry again. i haven't cried this much since my pet bird died when i was seven. johnson and wilk brought me into a hug, "it is ok she will come around" johnson comforted, "no she won't she hates me so much" i cry into his shoulder. "no she doesn't jack, she just loves you so much and thats why she is hurting and in so much pain" sammy claimed. i sure hope so. because i know for a fact, i, jack finnegan gilinsky could not live another day with out bella.

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