Chapter 34: College Tours

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Chapter 34: College Tours

Your P.O.V


Jordon and Hayes are alone. In a hallway. What?

"Hey guys." I say awkwardly and take a step towards Hayes.

"Hey babe, she was just leaving." Hayes says and takes my hand, walking us all into the elevator.

"OMFG thats-that's-" Faith said with her finger in he air and she was shaking it in the air.

"Faith shut up." Daisy said and shoved Faith a little.

"I FREAKING LOVE YOU!" Faith screamed in the elevator.

"What was she doing here?" I asked not looking at Hayes.

"I don't know. I was waiting for you by the elevators and she just showed up I swear." Hayes pleaded.

"The rest of our vacation is ruined." I said.

"No it's not. Were still together, that's all that matters." he aid and kissed my cheek.

The elevator stopped at the top floor.

"So I'm guessing Bart rented out the entire top floor for you guys." I laughed.

"Maybe." he laughed.

We walked to Hayes room and Nash, Cameron, Jack G, Jack J, Carter, Matt, and Shawn were all sitting there.

"I don't get it. He rented out this whole floor, but you all still have to share rooms." I said and pointed to all of them.

"Matt pissed the bed last time he had one to himself." Jack J laughed.

"CARTER YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT TELL ANYBODY!?!?" Matt screamed and jumped on top of Carter.

"Aye I said I wouldn't tell 'anybody' I didn't say anything about Jack." Carter laughed.

We sat around the room and talked about things we could do around the hotel. Then I got a call. I lakes into the hallway so they couldn't hear my conversation.

"Hello?" I said. I didn't really look at the caller ID.

"Hey where are you right now?" it was my dad.

"I'm at Hayes hotel right now. Were trying to think of something to do." I laughed.

"Tell RJ he has to drive you back to the house."

"What? Why? We just got here." I protested.

"You have a flight to catch. Oregon wants you to go on a campus tour tomorrow and the earliest flight leaves in a couple hours."

"But when they said they wanted me to check out the campus. I thought they meant when I'm traveling. Not in the middle of my vacation?!" I yelled.

"Just tell RJ you need I go home. I'll meet you in Oregon later tonight." then he hung up.

I took a deep breathe. How am I going to tell Hayes? I'll just say it straight up. Yea. That's a good idea.

I walked back into the room.

"Who was that babe?" Hayes said and sat me on his lap.

"My dad. Guys we had to go." I said.

"What? Why you just got here?" Hayes laughed.

"Oregon wants me to our the campus tomorrow and the earliest flight leaves in a couple of hours." I said. His face just dropped.

"But why can't they do it next week?" Hayes said and stood up.

"I know. I already tried." I said.

"Well then let's go to the airport." Hayes said throwing on his red Magcon jacket.

Everyone piled into the car. Hayes and I sat in the far back just cuddling all he at to the house.

"What does that mean for us?" Myah asked.

"I don't know. He didn't say anything about you guys coming so I'm assuming you guys can either stay or go home." I said and hugged Hayes.

"I'm staying. in not going back to school when I could be at Magcon doing nothing." Mary said.

I laughed.

"Mary you already committed to Oregon. What are you gonna do Myah?" I asked.

"I think I'm just gonna stay here and leave with Mary." she said.

We got to the house and I packed all of my stuff.

We got to the airport and I still had a little bit of time before my flight left.

I stood there holding Hayes.

"I'm sorry our worry free vacation is ruined." I frowned.

"It's okay. We still had fun though. I just wish you could have come to one of the actual Magcon events. Everyone was wondering where you were today." he smiled and kissed my cheek.

I was still frowning.

"Hey look at me." he said and lifted my chin with his finger.

"I understand. You gotta do what you gotta do. This will jut be like when I leave for Magcon, except the rules are reversed. Everything will be okay." he said and kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tight. I'm on a miss him so much.

We let go and just stood there in each other's arms.

"Flight 423 to Portland Oregon is now boarding, Flight 423 to Portland Oregon is now boarding."

"It's time." I said. I was on the verge of tears.

I kissed Hayes one last time and boarded the plane.

Hayes P.O.V

I can't believe she actually left. when I found our she had to leave of course I was pissed off, but this is her future were talking about. I can't be in the way of that.

I turned away from the gate and started to walk to the car.


Shit. I was almost out.

5 girls ran up to me screaming for pictures and autographs.

"What are you doing here anyways?" one of them said.

"Eh I was dropping (y/n) off." I said and signed her phone case.

"You can do so much better than her." another one said.

"Excuse you?" I snapped.

I'm so tired of my fans hating on her because of me.

"You can do so much better than her."she said again.

"And who would that be?" I said.

"Me." She smirked.

I whispered in her ear.

"I wouldn't date you if you were the last person on earth honey." She sat there with a shocked look on her face. I signed her friends phone case and sprinted to the car so I wouldn't be recognized again.

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